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When is too old to still have a babysitter?

The Mother ( poll )

Posted by javir on 2022-01-04 09:27:37


Posted by mandi2 on 2022-05-25 23:53:13

I am 17 and babysit for a family with two daughters,ages 12 and 13. Both of them are in puberty and bedwetting.They both have to wear cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed every night.When i babysit them i have to put their diapers and plastic pants on them a couple of hours before bedtime.They both wear larger size cloth baby diapers and they are pinned on them with diaper pins.Most of their plastic pants have babyprints on them as they both are girly girls.

Posted by agnieszka-maria on 2022-11-11 23:53:11

Mandi, You sound like a very loving and caring babysitter.....it cannot be easy for the girls you sit for but you are right that bedwettimg can be a problem at that age with puberty. So being diapered at bedtime males sense.

Im sure that you make them feel much safer and more relaxed when they are in their diapers. It is good that tjey are both very girly they probably like having a pretty cover too and with a pretty nightdress on top they surely look adorable.

I can give you some ideas..maybe you do these anyway.. I did for my oldest daughter

1) make sure they both have hot water bottles in their beds. Thy will be much happier if their beds are already warm

2) give then each a glass of gently warmed milk to drink

3) do they sleep in the same bed? it would be good if they did because you could read to them for a while.

4) You can get cute diaper pins too, with pretty coloured animals and flowers on,, im sure they would like those.. They could have fun choosing which ones they want you to use each time you babysit.

What time do you put the girls to bed.?