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Send Data to CRM on Account Creation

Posted by Smorko on 2021-08-24 12:34:02


I am using a New developer portal and I need to add user registration information to my CRM accounts when creating an account. I tried to do this by adding a custom script to my portal, but they don't show up on my page /accounts/creature. Is there any other way to do this or should my scripts be displayed on this page? I just need to call the API when submitting the user creation form.


Posted by angelabla on 2021-08-27 15:36:26

I would also like how to do it

Posted by samhudson on 2021-08-27 15:36:59

What kind of CRM are you using?

Posted by linalufis on 2021-08-27 15:37:28

CRM for startups is always a good idea for every solopreneur. It is hard to take care of every aspect of the business. Taking care of the satisfaction level of the clients is the hardest aspect of the business, so it is great to use software that helps deal with it. CRM gives a lot of advantages for every business owner, and in a short time after starting to use it will prove that it's value. For example, automated marketing increases collaboration with the clients because it becomes speedier, which is very important.
