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Christians - is the bible misogynistic?

Posted by Smorko on 2022-03-07 17:09:10

I was raised in a staunch Presbyterian family. I'm basically the black sheep. I do believe in God & think some of the bible is good but I wouldn't take it all as gospel as so much of it is mental, outdated & doesn't remotely fit with my strong feminist views which are very liberal.

My eldest brother is a preacher & I'm seeing a lot of him lately as our mum is terminally ill. He has really been rubbing me up the wrong way & gives me strong superior vibes. He's not used to people disagreeing with him I guess but his sanctimonious manner is really $%!@ing me off. It led me to reflect that I find that's the case with a lot of preachers & perhaps if they all believe everything literally in the bible, it's not any wonder they think women should know their place.

Just looking others thoughts & how you reconcile being a Christian with feminism & the bible? Or do most people pick & choose what they take from the bible?

Posted by Amardanan on 2022-03-08 09:38:11

I would also like to find one for my child

Posted by Dobarduff on 2022-03-08 09:38:44

I partially agree with you. The Church is misogynistic. But it is not a characteristic of every Church. The majority of modern Churches do not follow this idea. For example, I always visit a Church in Portland, Oregon, on Sundays, and the priest is always saying that it was a big problem of the Church in the past. Women in religion are considered equal, and people who don't think the same is considered not proper followers of God's will. It was a problem in the past, and I hope it will disappear in the future.


Posted by Jhon312 on 2023-08-03 11:45:21

I believe that the Bible is a complex and multifaceted text that cannot be reduced to a simple answer regarding its views on gender. While there are places in the Bible that are interpreted as misogynistic, it is important to consider the cultural and historical context in which these places were written. Additionally, there are many places in the Bible that affirm the value and dignity of women, such as the story of Ruth or the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus, I learned about this at https://biblesays.ai/ . Ultimately, I believe that the Bible teaches us to love and respect all people, regardless of gender or any other characteristics. As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus' example and treat every person with compassion and dignity.