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The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll

A Closer Look at Ripple's Marketing Infrastructure

Posted by DeirdreGill on 2022-04-25 15:31:25

I would be surprised if we collectively come up with any good idea or aspect to advancing XRP usage that Ripple themselves haven't already thought about, or already done. No harm in trying though.... :) who knows... we might end up helping a little bit.

Certainly I agree there have been mis-steps, and that not everything went brilliantly well... loosing sound for example... but overall I think they have done, and will continue to do, excellent work in advancing towards the goal we all share.

Perhaps we are like the fisherman sitting in the boat thinking all is quiet when underneath all sorts of movements are occurring. I am not criticising anyone examining Ripples actions and analysing what they can about the situation... I'm sure that is a good thing to do. Irrespective of our armchair analysis though... it is clear that Ripple are maturing and developing all the skill sets they need to be massively successful.

Posted by angelabla on 2022-04-25 19:22:08

Hi, thanks for the topic, I've been looking for detailed information for a long time.

Posted by HjymaSorotaky1 on 2022-04-25 19:32:43

Hmm, you've raised an interesting topic. Sorry, the forum is quite old, but I'm one of those people who can't resist when the topic is interesting. In fact, cryptocurrencies will probably become something completely normal and generally accepted very soon. My personal forecast is 5-10 years. It is important to remember that there are a lot of elderly people living on earth, and elderly people often cannot understand technology. In the most developed countries, this problem is less, but still at the global level cryptocurrencies will become the norm very soon. I read an article on https://1394ta.org/blog/influencer-marketing/ and it explains how the Internet works in some areas. Considering that almost every person on the Internet is an influencer, then everyone will use cryptocurrencies, the question is only in how many years?