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The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll

Is investing a good business idea?

Posted by nicholascam on 2022-05-04 11:01:44

What do you think about cryptocurrency?

Posted by angelabla on 2022-05-04 12:23:55

Hi! Thank you for creating this topic, I was just looking for reasoning...

Posted by SofornichOniss on 2022-05-04 13:17:18

This is a rather controversial issue. Personally, I would not call investing a business in general. This is definitely an important field of activity that can bring a large income to someone who understands this, but still the word business in the classical concept is a little different. I once argued on a similar topic with my friend who works at bestforblogger.com . He believes that it would be wrong to invest in cryptocurrency as a full-fledged business, since investing in cryptocurrency is too risky compared to creating a physical business. I partly agree with him, because if you have little experience in buying cryptocurrencies, then you are more likely to lose money than earn, which is hardly suitable for ordinary business.