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wiring new house for espeasy and power supply

Posted by rubyarcox on 2022-05-10 09:39:15

hi, in a new house, two levels: 1st 100 square meters, second floor 80 square meters. i would like to control lights, blinds, push button for lights+blind control, heater and colling elements. i would like to use the combination of espeasy and domoticz. roughtly i can consider: 16 relays for light 50 pushbuttons (gpio as in) 9 blinds -> 18 relays (1for up and 1for down) 8 relays for heating (solenoid valves) 6 relays for garden irrigation

i think to use nodemcu or wemos. with a rought extimation i will need: n° 12 nodemcu. i would likte to put them inside some junction box placed in the middle of the house the esp8266 + relays and from that central point wiring: blinds, light, light commands (pushbuttons), heating valves, etc...

Posted by angelabla on 2022-05-10 12:18:50

Hi! Thanks for this topic, I'm interested to know the details...

Posted by BoshkolElsa on 2022-05-10 12:43:01

Hmm, this is not an easy question. I think you should bring a master electrician who would look at the condition of your repair and offer the right solution. It is better not to try to figure out such things yourself if you do not have a special education. It's just that wiring is such a thing in which an error may not appear immediately. Some people have advised you Sonoff, it's not a bad choice, but still, it's better to consult a master to avoid problems in the future. But the main thing is not to use aluminum in the wiring. I once read on https://www.tidalelectricalservices.com/service/aluminum-wiring-mitigation/ that aluminum wiring is extremely dangerous due to the risk of fire.