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The Abortion Debate

SHould abortion be allowed?

Posted by agnieszka-maria on 2022-12-31 13:05:52

As Christian lady I do not believe abortion should be allowed, Life is sacred and the killing of unborn babies is just horrible. I think the action of the US supreme Court in banning it was beautiful

Posted by Detroit_girl on 2022-12-31 14:51:10

What!??? Noone wants abortion, its just that it is a lifesaver for some. Tell me, how as s Christian lady, would you react if your daughter got pregnant as a result of rape????

Posted by Cindy_calling on 2023-01-05 19:09:31

I saw this and wanted to reply. Generally I agree with you Agnieska-Maria about the killing of unborn babies. but its difficult..what would you do if one of your daughters became pregnant after rape?

Posted by Manuela_Sparkle on 2023-01-08 11:05:46

It it a really difficult question and I am by far not the right person to answer it. But my thought is, that the answer is very different from a mundane point of view, or from a Christian standpoint.

As a true Christian girl, who got pregnant after rape, you should ask yourself: does god want me to have this baby? The answer to this will always be yes, because if god didn't wanted too, you would not have been able to conceive!

Even if you are not a firm believer and became victim of something evil like rape - do you really want to murder an innocent life?

Posted by Mr.Allan on 2023-01-08 16:56:12

As both a Non-Denominational Christian and somebody who is Pro-Life, I do understand the trauma and awful circumstances that come from pregnancy that results from rape. It's a terrible crime and there should be extremely severe punishments for the perpetrators, both for the sake of deterrence and for justice.

I also believe that human life is sacred and that the act of abortion ends an innocent human life, which would classify it as murder. Responding to the injustice of rape by committing the injustice of murder is not the correct solution. A mother in this situation who is brave and compassionate enough to carry out her pregnancy and give birth is dong it for the sake of an innocent child.

And on one last point, Detroit_girl mentioned that nobody wants an abortion and that it is just necessary as a lifesaver. Actually, I have seen many Pro-Abortion advocates state that they do enjoy having abortions and that they purposefully use them as a form of birth control. Furthermore, abortions are never necessary to save the life of a mother during pregnancy. Emergency C-sections and other options exist that serve as alternatives during a failed pregnancy.