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younger sister stronger than older brother (boys)

False, men are WAY stronger

Posted by Girls are Light on 2005-08-16 18:12:01

Based on experience i can tell boys become stronger pretty soon, when I was 11 I was able to beat any girl of my age or few yrs older at anything physical.

When armwrestiling they had to use both their hands to actually give me challenge and I only remember 1 time I lost to a girl that way, I beat her later on.

On other strenght test they would barely lift me off the ground but I could lift 2 girls one on each shoulder at once with relative ease.

Of course there are some freaks that work out 5 hours a day and live on steroids, those are nothing but monsters anyways.

Truth to be told, an average male is twice as strong as an average female.

Posted by wade owens on 2006-05-02 03:01:10

you are right that men are stronger but i bet your old man is really proud of you for beating girls i come from the south and even thought i am stronger i let girls beat me i bet you don't get many dates you fag and hey i love to work out and i am not on steriods

Posted by the_boffin on 2007-06-26 19:56:53

there is no raison for making a scandal evry time this quinde of poll come out. any way if it's a fantaisie it's good fan and it is also posible that the people ho are anserin mite those perticulare poeple ho are un usalie strong