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younger sister stronger than older brother (boys)

My older bro

Posted by jsd586 on 2006-03-08 00:10:27

My older bro is 15 and is only 5'2 and like 100lbs. he has ADD and his medicine causes him to not grow as much. im 13 and already much stronger then him. I play basketball and dance and he isnt good at sports. And im 5'6 and weigh 135lbs.

I love having a older brother thats smaller then me. Hes like a big bro and little bro in one. I can get adive from him and meet all his hot friends and at the same time i can pick on him like he was younger. Im nice to him but if i wanted to i could be really mean and embarass him in front of his friends. and hes really nice to me cause he knows if we ever get in a real fight i could really hurt him. i think he likes being smaller then be because he likes it when i pick him up.

Posted by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs on 2007-02-09 22:49:08

Wow, you are nice to your weak little brother. I am 16 and my stronger little sister dominates me.
I am 5'2", about 90 lbs, she is 14, 5'7" and 140 lbs. She likes to make fun of me because when I walk around the house with my shirt off and she has her bra on her arms is like 4 times the size of mine. Also, she makes fun of me because I am really skinny and my ribs poke through my stomach. Also, she makes fun of my tiny legs. Her thighs are like 23 inches and mine are under 10 in. She stands next to me and looks in the morror and humiliates me.
she also likes to wrestle me for fun and she always wins. She usually wrestles naked and sits on my face. I am scrawny and I can't even do a move against her. Sometimes when we are home alone for the weekend she doesn't let me eat while she eats doughnuts and pizza and makes me lose weight so she can physcially dominate me even more.
girls, could you dominate me like my sister does?

Posted by USSA Soldier on 2007-04-01 12:52:34

didn't you just say that your sister was 6'5 on another poll's messaging board at an EARLIER time? Hehe, looks like you've grown an inch and gained 20 lbs while your sister shrunk by 10 inches. Haha, now she's shorter than me by an inch so according to all of you people with Giantess fetishes I probably stand a chance against her solely based on my height. Even if she was at 6' 5" I'd still easily be able to knock her out, taller isn't always better too, taller peoples' vulnerable areas are more exposed.

Posted by ngxdjklfvnlzsvjhlzs on 2007-05-05 02:34:20

Dude, that was my friend who uses my account. Stop going around and being such a $%!@!!

Posted by xagardua on 2009-03-07 09:12:41

My little sister (13) beats me easily. She is taller and stronger than me and, usually plays with me crushing my head between her powerful tights. (I´m 25 years old)I´m only weight 115 and 5´2". My sister (145 - 5´9") toys with me at home every day, and sometimes she knock me out with her tights. Sometimes she forces me to kiss her big butt. What can I do?