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Babysitters and modesty

Not too old at 12

Posted by bobbychapman on 2019-01-20 22:18:59

I don't think, as in the poll, that a boy of 12 is too old to be bathed by the babysitter. If the boy's parents think he needs a babysitter then she should be able to bath him no problem.

Posted by kenbailey on 2019-01-22 18:33:56


Well according to the results boys of 14 are overwhelmingly the winners when it comes to being bathed by the babysitter. It might just suggest that 15 or 18 could have been added to the list of ages.


Posted by bobbychapman on 2019-01-23 21:48:24


I don't think it is impossible that a boy of 15 or 16 can still be being bathed by his mom. I expect I will still be when I'm 16 if I don't object before. And at the moment I'm quite happy with being bathed.


Posted by harry peters on 2019-01-24 17:24:13

I got married just after I turned 16 and up to then my girlfriend's father had bathed me regularly together with his son. On my wedding day he hired a woman (babysitter?) to help my new brother-in-law, a cousin of theirs and me to get ready for the big day, which included being bathed and helped with our new suits and things. Even though I hadn't met the lady before, I didn't feel at all embarrassed, probably because I was so nervous. Thinking about it afterwards, my father-in-law was right to get us help because I don't think I could have coped on my own, nor could the other two!

Posted by terrysanders on 2019-01-27 13:33:29

I suppose an aunt can count as a babysitter if that's what she is really doing. My dad was killed in an accident wen me and my brothers were quite small. My mother works hard and long hours to give us a good home, so her sister often comes round to give us a hand. There are 5 of us brothers and sisters and we do our best to help our mother with the house chores. For example I usually get them up in the morning and give them their breakfasts.

One of the things our aunt does is on Saturdays she comes round to be our babysitter. In the evening she gives us all a good hot bathing. She's always saying that the showers we take during the week are fine, but we do need a good wash at least once a week. Three of us are over 12 so I don't think there is an issue with modesty. I don't think it is necessary between brothers and sisters.