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Have you been beaten up by a girl?

neighbor girl kicked my butt

Posted by StrongAnd Successful on 2009-01-19 14:24:40

i'm in my late 20's and she's a junior in high school. she was helping me move furniture . we started grappling and in a span of 1 minute, she had me trapped....and she just applied move after move on me till i was absolutely begging her to stop and she did....after a while.

Posted by hazza09 on 2009-01-22 16:47:08

Neibehood girls are dagerous, im 23, a 15 year old down the road from me beat me up. She knocked on my door one day as she was collecting carboard boxs for a charity, i had some so we both went upstairs to get them. in my room we were getting the boxs when i acidently dropped one on her, it wasnt heavy but she flipped, she punched me so hard i fell down, i didnt want to fall so i grabbed whatever i could, unfortunatly it was he tanktop, it came off her without ripping. Now she was wearing a balck bra which showed off her large $%!@. Very short denim shorts and a pair of high heels. She thought i got her top off on purpose so she started squeezing my head beetween her legs. The pain was imense. i only stopped her by giving her $50 from my wallet and her top back.

Posted by twinblade on 2009-02-14 16:59:40

awww..... Beaten by a younger girl..... Did she have a boyfriend??..... You should maybe go out with him..... I think you would like to grab his $%!@....

Posted by Blurman on 2009-07-22 18:06:29

When i was younger there was a girl on my road, she dominated me and used to beat me up, so twinblade she could beat you

Posted by big_guy on 2009-08-09 22:29:27

I am 22 5'6 " 135 pounds, I picked a fight with a 13 year old 5'3" 100 pound kid and he beat me up in less than 30 seconds, His 16 year old 5' 4" 105 pound sister saw me on theground beaten up in my suit and tie, and the next week when I was in a new Suit and tie she came u to me ina very tight White Dress and challenged me to a fight saying if I won I could do her right there, I accepted, She then Grabbed me by my Shoulders and got me to the ground, She then got control of me and had a hold on me and I was not strong enough to get out of the hold, She then started Hittong me in the ribs, she then got punches in the gut and ribs and i started passing out, Then she sat on my stomoch and hit me in the jaw 30 times till I was knocked out cold