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would you date someone of another race

dating someone of another race

Posted by princessxtina on 2003-02-06 21:03:59

i am a biracial girl and i happen to date white men and all my white girl-friends date either black men or would date black men or men of any race for that matter...and i think its a cool thing...i think people should step away from streotypes and try something different and date someone of a different race...hey you never know unless you try it...and it might be the best relationship you've ever had

Posted by amy b on 2003-02-16 20:05:37

========== In Reply To ========== i am a biracial girl and i happen to date white men ...and i think its a cool thing...

Just because you're a mongrel, don't force it off on other people. Race mixing suxs. LET'S KEEP OUR WHITE RACE WHITE!!


Posted by Leo the Lion on 2005-05-12 23:10:06

Amy, sounds like a really scared person it is a shame, im sure there are alot of reasons why she thinks this way but the problem is they are all f@#$(* up! Grow up I hope you never need your life saved by a person of a differnt race because you wouldnt deserve it. I think that the is a better place because of mixing we learn differnt things, become more understanding and grow as a person. I cant wait until the world is a perfect shade of gray.By the way I am a 31 year old white guy,if there is such a thing.