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Tickling: Torture or Fun?

tickled to next spring.

Posted by duster28 on 2003-09-02 23:35:19

I think that is a funny phrase. I'll have to use it sometime. I really enjoyed taking your survey. I was thinking, it surprises a lot of people that I am ticklish sometimes, and I hear,"I didn't know you were ticklish." I know I am always in for trouble when I hear that. I was actually tickled last night. It had been a while since I had a real good tickling. I was sat on and tickled from rib to toe. I'm still having spazams today from it.

Posted by jenny333 on 2003-09-03 13:54:22

========== In Reply To ========== I think that is a funny phrase. I'll have to use it sometime. I really enjoyed taking your survey. I was thinking, it surprises a lot of people that I am ticklish sometimes, and I hear,"I didn't know you were ticklish." I know I am always in for trouble when I hear that. I was actually tickled last night. It had been a while since I had a real good tickling. I was sat on and tickled from rib to toe. I'm still having spazams today from it.

Thanks for answering my poll though. It was the very first one I did... A few mistakes in there, but... ;)

Well: My own brothers always use this phrase towards each other... I never really heard somebody else say it... But it always produces much of screaming and laughing, when they threaten each other with this "Spring"-sentence...;)

Posted by Lewis Brylka on 2003-10-04 22:39:52

========== In Reply To ========== hiya jenny, im a male, 13 and i like tickling! im really ticklish on my feet and enjoy tickling, maybe ill tickle my gf sumtime, lol, as ive never tickled or seen her be tickled before! liked your poll an dont worry about mistakes lol

Posted by jenny333 on 2003-10-08 16:25:07

========== In Reply To ==========

Aww...You seem to be cute.

Tickling is funny, really. You really should try to tickle your girlfriend. It's funny :)

My boyfriend is doing that,too...

Girls love being tickled...Just do it softly and don't torture her... And: Be prepared to be tickled back...;)

Have fun!

Posted by KoolDood on 2006-03-29 06:08:56

I am also 13 and a male. I like to tickle but not to be tickled... I am most ticklish under my arms, but my feet come close, so do my ribs, abs, chest, belly, bellybutton and sides. My girlfriend Mai can only be tickled one way...a poke in the ribs.