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Could celebs out wrestle you?


Posted by Wrestlher on 2003-08-08 21:56:33

Over half the guys think Brittney would win 5 to nothing! If you're like me, you know you would be no match for her. I'd love to wrestle with her, submission falls only. I would have to "give" to her leg scissors or grapevines. If we wrestled for an hour, she would probably win 20 or 25 falls to nothing!

Posted by buster on 2004-11-30 00:37:42

I agree that Britney is just way too strong for most people. Anyone that thinks they can handle wrestling Britney Spears has a screw loose.

Posted by fight starter on 2010-01-04 17:54:55

I guess she liked me because We Wrestled twice and I won both times and the Sex was Great

Posted by big_guy on 2010-02-15 16:41:33

I have wrestled/fought both Justin Bieber and Remy Thorne the past year I was over 20 pounds heavier than them and I lost to both of them bad with them wrestling me to the ground than them Knocking me out with fists to my Ribs then Jaw