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Women reporters and men's locker rooms

in general

Posted by warrior magician on 2004-09-25 02:04:08

i think that women proceed their bounds in the ways of locker rooms in many ways. I was at camp just recently in the guys cabin(im a guy, not the real wm) and in the mornings the girls would come in a wake us up. which at first was okay. the second night we all woke up and we had marker on our faces. lol it was funny, ya got me, i know. but then i realised that it was the student coucil president (female) her best friend (female) and her sister(female). i noticed that they were allowed to come into our cabin without notice, even when we were all asleep. but the second we were to eve take a step in their direction we were yelled at. one of my friends needed his siter, adn he went to go ask her in her cabin, and he was yelled at and told that he had to get a girl to reteive her! i under stand that not all guys are trustworthy in a place where girls hang sleep and change for that matter, but i believe that some girls also have the same problem. we werent even allowed to ask permission to go in, it was ether a girl went in or nobody did. whereas they felt like going in, they could. obviously there were certain times that they were instructed not to go, like when we were changing for bed, or in the mornig. but what if we were changing to go to the pool, if they didnt know that(or maybe they did) they could just waltz right in without a reason! i dont believe that men shoudl be allowed in womens cabing or changerooms or vise versa with out a unanomous vote type deal from all the residence.