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Are you a computer nerd?

There's more!

Posted by Biggs on 2003-03-22 18:30:30

There is alot more to being a computer nerd that just trying to fix problems! You could try and fix the problem yourself, but instead screw it up even more and make dozens more problems; that doesn't make you a computer nerd.

You should define a computer nerd as someone who knows what he/she is doing on a computer and who knows how the computer works, what it actually does, someone who can read a computer book whose title doesn't end in "for dummies!".

There are also several levels of computer nerds! Wannabe, begginner, intermediate and advanced. There are also many branches of computer nerds! Such as a computer builder / repairer (hardware), a hacker, a person who knows how to prevent hacking, webmasters (ones who know alot more than HTML!!!), and the programmer. Even these areas have branches, but I won't list them.

There are also computer "geeks". These are losers who think that they are computer "nerds" and think they know alot about computers, but actually don't know anything and always assume the problem can be solved by downloading something, buying some new hardware or getting a new computer! These are the guys who have even less friends than the nerds and who play stupid card games like yugio and lwho think everything in Star Wars is scientifically sound (not that Star Wars is bad... But some people take it too far... (playing the ccg is not too far)). Anyway... you can probably tell by now that i am sick of computer geeks.

If you want to email me, my address is Biggsthehobbit@aol.com, yes I have aol and yes that is hobbit, like lotr (lord of the rings).