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Raising sons - OK for boys to go shirtless?

what's the big deal?

Posted by T Neel on 2003-08-08 16:18:51

What's the big deal about this? Guys go shirtless! I spent most of my childhood/teen years at home shirtless, and it was never an issue, just as going barefoot or wearing shorts were never an issue. I did have to wear a shirt to the table, unless we were eating in the backyard, and that was fine. My Dad never went shirtless or barefoot - having grown up in an era when if you did it was a sign you were poor - but he never stopped me from doing so. My son went shirtless at home and to the park, nieghborhood convenience store, etc, and still does, and my 4 year old grandson who lives with me loves going shirtless. NO BIG DEAL! I am also shirtless for yardwork, walking, washing the car, etc. I am also a very conservative, evangelical Christian in a very conservative town. I will agree, however, that there are some adult men who should never be seen in public shirtless! That, however, it something that can be remedied thru diet, exercise, and hair removal!

Posted by Fronter Kalis DuGalle on 2005-10-30 04:41:54

It is very obvious

There are many reasons why being shirtless is unethical, inmoral, informal, and just plain stupid:

I. It is not proper, being shirtless shows that you have no self control.

II. It shows that you cry for attention, and are extremely ill minded.

III. Most people who walk around shirtless are people of lesser beings with less of an education, and thus lower intellegence. Intellegence is very important, without it you couldn't live as long, and operate computers, yet those of you who think it is ok are warp minded.

IV. Everyone has the right to not see something horrible, and god awful, it is like seeing some streak in college. Extremely stupid.

V. As humans, we are suppose to evolve into a highly classed race, because unlike many animals, humans have the ability to think. We should always act like that, being shirtless all the time shows that you cannot think clearly.

VI. Much sun exposer can lead to skin desease, which is where most of it comes. Yet people cannot comprehend this.

VII. Warm environments by themseleves are just crazy, it has been tested -- and recorded -- that people who live in colder climates age less, and have a less stress environment due to the lack of constant pressure. The insects also cannot survive well in the climate, so you can have a cleaner house.

I do not like seeing people walk without shirts, whenever I see it, I automatically think of them as lessers. Most of the people who I constantly see doing this are extremely uneducated. In a quote of a poem I like:

"The righteous rise; with burning eyes"

Meaning for those of you who cannot think, the righteous people have anger in them that such unethical, inmoral, and informal items occur.

Let the spam of the lessers begin, for they shall reign down with their less thought-out sentances.

Posted by Angel18 on 2005-12-12 00:15:20

What's wrong with you? Men who go shirtless doesn't mean that they are dumb or stupid or whatever you said. Look I don't really like going shirtless and I'm not smart at all. So keep your mean comments to yourself! You must've been raised in an all girl house without having seen your father, never had a boyfriend, went to an all girls school and probably never seen any male relatives.

Posted by Puzzled370 on 2006-01-10 02:36:33

Okay Mr./Mrs. Fronter Kalis DuGalle, what the f*** is wrong with wrong with you?! All because a dude wants to go shirtless doesn't mean they're retarded or something! I'll have you know that I am 12 years old, in 6th grade, and in the gifted program(Doing school work 2 grades higher than at normal level), and I occasionally go shirtless around my house, and always when I go swimming. Is there arything wrong with me?- NO! I am a very smart young man for my age. Have a gotten and skin disease, or even cancer because I was shirtless- NO! I am responsile, and whenever I go outside shirtless, I always make sure to put on sunblock. So in your face Fronter Kalis DuGalle! Don't descriminate people just because they have no shirt on. I can't believe there is even a person in this world like that. You should be ashamed, and change your ways of stereotyping shirtless men/boys.

Posted by Paul Willox on 2006-08-29 16:19:10

I am 19, and I go shirtless while driving car, going to the gas station, to the supermarket, or just to hang out. So do most of my friends. We sure get a lot of attention by girls! If you ask me, there is absolutely no problem in going shirtless.