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boys vs. younger girls who are stronger

Tough Spoilt Rich Girl

Posted by MPC2550935878 on 2005-02-01 16:31:51

There's a 15 year old girl who lives next door to me, her parents are really rich and spoil the hell out of her, every time I see her she's wearing a new set of clothes, so you'd think if she's spoilt like that she'd not really be that tough.

In fact she's really tough for her age and her size she's about 5'6, but I think she works out a bit, so she keeps in shape, but whenever she gets angry I've seen her beat the hell out of guys, including me.

I think she has an unnaturally strong punch and kick, I mean she can floor me with only a punch or two and I'm 17 and taller than her. She hangs round with other pretty and rich girls at school and basically goes round specifically beating on guys who are older than her and forcing them to give her stuff like money, while her friends watch.

Apart from her friends most people are scared of her, particularly guys who are older than her, because that's who she picks on and if anyone can stop her, they either can't be bothered or are too scared.

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2005-02-24 18:32:15

This sounds like my kind of gal!

I think you and these other wimps deserve what you get from her. If you can't defend yourself against her then she has the right to bully you all she wants. She's obviously better than you and you should just learn to deal with it.


Posted by Candie on 2005-02-26 02:40:39

I'm not a spoiled girl but I love being able to beat up a guy who's older than me! And I've done it several times! It's a rush! You know how pathetic you must look getting bullied by a younger girl? Better show this girl some respect...or start working out wimp! Candie

Posted by Patti602003 on 2005-03-02 03:24:12

Hi Girls! Why not, after beating the boys up, Feminize Them! Afterall, they are the "Weaker" Sex, so they should get prettied up for a Girl's or woman's pleasure. What do you think?

Posted by Candie on 2005-03-07 05:41:37

Sounds good to me, Patti! I usually feel a bit sorry for the poor guys I've beaten up and humiliated but, now that you mention it, a little extra humiliation like that would be fun! Candie