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boys vs. younger girls who are stronger

always win

Posted by like_strong_girls on 2004-12-02 06:45:04

Oh yes, like you I didn't choose my name at random;) I dig you already MGB! Keep up the good work! (Yes, its a clishé, but I mean it!)

Posted by MPC2550935878 on 2005-01-24 18:54:27

I'm a 17 year old guy and yeh some girls are unbelievably strong, there's this one 15 year old girl who lives near me, she's 6'1, so a couple of inches taller than me, but she can lift me off my feet easy with just one hand, so she's got strong arms, she says she's been working out for a few years.

Her legs are even stronger, its unbelieveable, she always puts my body in between her legs and squeezes till i pass out, which isnt very long.

It's wierd, because I know I'm more or less average strength for a guy my age, but she's tons stronger than me and she's over 2 years younger than me!

Posted by cute_chibimoon_boy on 2005-03-26 12:50:39

i was 17 and my sister was 11 and she is one hell of a fighter beucase see has been in training for afew yeah. we were fighting about something with my friends and she started to hit me. i tryed to fight back but i couldn't hit her. after the fight i was out of it she humiliated me by pulling my pants down and spanking me infront of my friends and onlookers

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2005-04-20 17:25:21

Hey wimps!

The way you losers get beat up is just soooo cute! I hope you're ready for a good long life of getting trashed by girls!



Posted by Jimmy05 on 2006-07-13 09:40:11

i have to agree with muscle girl brat. you guys need to hit the weights too.