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boys vs. younger girls who are stronger

beat by sis and friends

Posted by luchadora on 2005-05-18 13:16:25

I'm four years older than my sister, and she has beaten me since she was 8 and me 12. She does gymnastics since 4 years old and I'm thin and unathletic, so I can't do anything to defend myself. Since she was 11 she usually play wrestling with her friends (gymnasts too) against me and my friends, and they ever crushed us easily. Not only she is stronger, any athletic girl can be much stronger than older boys. If somebody wants to share experiences my mail is luchadora2001@yahoo.es

Posted by Frauenhunter on 2006-04-22 19:34:17

Wimp! Wimp! Wimp!

"I am 25 and my 4 year old sister beat me up. She is stronger, because she make nordic-walking." laugh You are such a wimp.

Posted by nameddisplay on 2006-07-08 03:53:49

This did not happen to my sister, cause my sister is too easy. But, I and a girl, that was a friend of mine thought that it would be fun to have a wrestling match. This happened when I was 10. She was also 10, but a few weeks younger than me. We decide to do a best of nine. I wrestled her and took a 4-0 lead. I only had to win one more time, to win the whole thing, but she then got better, and tied it up. Then she trips me, and I go in a near by mud puddle, on my front side. Then she pinned me down and won. And another friend of ours was taping it. She still has that tape, and watches it every now and again.

Posted by Jimmy05 on 2006-07-13 09:33:35

u simply need to hit the weights u sound incredibly weak. LOL