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Classmates in the change room

I phoned a few pools...

Posted by Skwirrel on 2003-05-28 05:31:08

Hi all.

I was bored the other day, so I phoned several indoor pools in our area.

  1. It's about a 50/50 split here between pools that have family change rooms and those that don't.

  2. Of the pools that have family change rooms here, most have individual rooms contained within.

  3. Of those that have individual rooms within the family change room, most have showers inside the little room; the others have a communal shower room where virtually nobody goes nude.

  4. One pool has a family change room, but it's just a large room with lockers and a large communal shower area. According to the lifeguard I spoke with, some people wait until nobody else is in the room before using it while others don't really care. Of those that use the room, about half shower nude. This pool is doing renovations this fall to put in individual rooms within the family change room.

  5. Of the pools that do not have family change rooms, the age limits for children being allowed in either change room vary. A few pools drew the line at 6, a couple at 7, and a few at 8. One of the pools that had the line at 6 said they're very relaxed on the rule and basically allow whatever the parents are comfortable with (up to age 8). One of the pools that draws the line at 8 said it's usually alright for 9 year olds to go in as well.

  6. Two of the pools that I talked to had mandatory nude showers before swimming. One of these pools doesn't have family change rooms and allows children of up to age 8 (and sometimes 9) into either change room. They only have group shower rooms (no stalls). According to the person I talked to, they have a lot of families and are extremely busy.

Obviously the rules are all over the map even within the same geographical area.

Any children going to the pool mentioned in point 6 will most certainly be showering nude with other kids their age that are the opposite sex. This is up to age 9, apparently.

The question is: is it a problem for boys to be nude around girls their age, and vice versa?

What about the moral issues?

And what if a girl and a boy from the same class at school see each other in the showers?

Your thoughts?

Posted by AldoWarren on 2021-09-09 11:34:12

It's good that you phoned a few pools, and completed your job. I hope to write a monster resume soon, and complete the task you've shared here. It will benefit me massively.

Posted by OdinLuka on 2021-09-24 06:59:03

I have never enjoyed indoor pools the way I enjoy outdoor ones. It's kind of similar in the way where I just like doing my own work rather than hiring cv writing services to do my work for me. It's all about preferences of course, and I have mine set.