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Boys humiliated by girls


Posted by Toa IIgnika on 2011-02-16 01:54:20

Attarack2, You believe her trust her duchess, you dumbass arse bum rectum $%!@ anus bottoms butt buttocks!!!!

Posted by gangsta-bitch on 2011-04-10 10:32:05

i used to do the samebut once me an my friends took pictures off the boy an said that he must come to my house and do whatever we say (he was about 15 ad we were all 14-16 but he was quite a little bitch we ad humiliated him alot of times before.

When ne first came up he was shaking in fear to calm him down ikicked him in the balls and then dragged him into my living room by his hair. we sat him in the middle of the room and then stripped him we got some ties dressing-gown cords and tape and tied his hands behind his back and his legs together we then pulled him over m knee and spanked him over and over till he was crying and begging me to stop .When i did stop i started to sircle my finger we all started to lagh tll lil chichi saw his $%!@ getting hard so suzzi grabbedhim and dropped right on the floor n started to slap it but it was only like5,3 hard so it was reely funny anyway after that we tied him up n put him under my bed n we went out for a bit

Posted by Toa IIgnika on 2011-09-20 00:03:16

gangsta-bitch, you f ucking bloody leave him alone!!!!

Posted by boytoman on 2011-10-20 20:52:45

What are you talking about? 5'3 hard is a good size. And I thought men and boys were shallow; seems that women and girls are 10 times more shallow. 5'3 hard for a 15 year old boy is fairly big for a $%!@ size. FYI; $%!@ size varies greatly even on the same male body. A $%!@ is constantly changing sizes, even when soft. Temperature, mood, gas, sickness, or any other anomaly can cause a $%!@ to get very small or make it grow. The majority of females haven’t a clue about actual $%!@ size and what is normal for male anatomy. You probably think that men have just two $%!@ sizes and it’s like a light switch clicking on and off; soft, hard, soft, hard. Average size for a male is around 3 to 5 inches soft and 4 to 5 1/2 inches erect; sometimes reaching the 6 inch level. You might say, “I saw a man’s $%!@ and it was long”. If it was in a movie, it was worked with and made to look bigger than normal. If it was a real guy you were with, it was probably worked with, by him, and made to look bigger that normal. We guys can do that. If he was a thin guy; there’s the reason why. All $%!@ sizes are the same; but the size of the man can make it look smaller, because of fat covering up most of it.

When I was 12 years old, I was taking a shower after gym class; they made us do that back then. Four bullies pulled me out of the shower room. As I was kicking and screaming, they dragged me out of the emergency exit door and locked me out naked. There was a small area by the exit door where the girl's home ec. always hung out right before the next class. All the girls humiliated me to no end. As I begged for the bullies to let me back inside, the girls were smacking me on the butt and pulling my arms away from my body so that everyone could see my $%!@ and balls. The worse part of everything was, they all claimed that I had a small $%!@. The truth was, I had a slightly bigger $%!@ than most of the other boys. The only reason was; I started puberty earlier that most of the other boys. So I found out early on that most girls don’t have the facts, when it comes to $%!@ size.

Posted by PeeBaby on 2015-03-19 00:46:47

When I was in the 5th grade my Mom started working out of town and I had to spend nights at a babysitter's house. She was nineteen years old and had a younger sister who was in my class at school. She was furious with me in the morning when she found out that I was a bedwetter, and she dragged me into the bathroom, then ordered me to take off my wet clothes and get in the bathtub. I took off my pajama shirt then stopped because I was WAY too modest to let a girl see me in my underwear. She ordered me to take off my pajama bottoms, so I told her I didn't want her to see my underwear. "I'm going to get to see a LOT more than just your underwear." she snapped, "Now take them off NOW or I'll let my sister come in here and take them off, then let her watch while I give you your bath!"

I told her I was old enough to take a bath by myself and she replied, "If you're not old enough to keep your bed dry then you need me to give you your bath. Now get undressed NOW!" I couldn't help but start crying when I took my bottoms off, because it left me standing humiliated in front of a girl wearing only my urine-soaked underwear. I couldn't believe she could be so cruel as to order me to take my underwear off in front of her, so when she did I started crying even harder and begged her to leave the bathroom and let me take a bath by myself. But she was determined to make me strip in front of her, so she warned me she would let her sister wash my $%!@, then tell everyone in school that I wet my bed. I was terrified that she would actually follow through on her threat, but I was still too modest to bring myself to stand naked in front of her. She glared at me for a moment, then stormed out of the room, returning with a large leather belt. At first I thought that she was going to whip me with the belt, but she tied my hands behind my back so I couldn't cover myself, then made my worst nightmare come true by yanking my underwear down to my ankles!