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Boys humiliated by girls

I just gave my father a spanking! ^_^

Posted by cuck4you on 2009-04-15 01:56:01

I am not siding with anyone. All I wanted to note was that some people are into humiliation - giving and/or receiving. Sometimes you have a relationship in which humiliation satisfies both people in the relationship, whether a giver of or receiver of that humiliation.

Posted by misssxc09 on 2009-04-18 18:38:21

your just all little sissy boys, go evilkitty

Posted by misssxc09 on 2009-04-19 19:18:21

no please make it cleaer

Posted by cuck4you on 2009-04-19 23:25:43

Here are some ideas I found from a website that my wife also enjoys. We have done many but not all of the things on this list as yet. This is what women can really do to humiliate their husbands/boyfriends.

Cuckold husband humiliations:

  1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.

  2. Comment on how good other men look to you.

  3. Tell your husband you like big $%!@.

  4. Tell your husband his $%!@ is not big enough for you.

  5. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.

  6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.

  7. Tell your husband is a fag.

  8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husbands $%!@.

  9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with someone else.

  10. Tell your husband you're horny because you have been thinking of some other man.

  11. Make your husband watch as you prepare to go out to look for other men.

  12. Make your husband watch as you prepare to go out on a date.

  13. Take a lot of care when you get ready to go out. Do your self up

really good, a long bubble bath, shave your legs, paint your nails,

wear perfume and jewelry, do your hair, everything, the whole nine


  1. Shave your $%!@.

  2. Make your husband bathe you, shave your legs and $%!@, pick out

clothes, jewelry and perfume to get you ready for your lovers.

  1. Get a tattoo of a suggestive nature: QOS (Queen of Spades for

attracting black men), black snake, "$%!@", "Easy" "Robert"( your

lovers name) etc. You can get temporary ones too.

  1. Wear ankle bracelets. These are a sign that you are available to $%!@.

  2. Wear ultra sexy, revealing $%!@ty clothing, especially high heels.

  3. Don't wear underwear.

  4. If you do, wear the skimpiest, sexiest thongs.

  5. Flirt heavily with other men at all times, especially in front of your husband.

  6. Find, meet and go out with other cheating wives.

  7. Form a local cheating wives club.

  8. Make your husband give you lots of cash when you go out.

  9. Make your husband go out and get a hotel room for you and your lover to use and bring you the key.

  10. Make your husband go with you and watch from across the bar/club as you meet, flirt and pick up men.

  11. Make your husband drive you and your lover around while you and him make out, suck and $%!@ in the back seat.

  12. Make your husband drive you and your lover to the motel and make

your husband sit in the car and wait until your done, whenever that is.

  1. Make your husband go out and find lots of men for you and you pick and choose which ones you like.

  2. Make your husband go into a bar/club and tell candidates that you are available for sex.

  3. Suck off men under the table in a bar/club.

  4. Suck off men in the parking lot or alley.

  5. Let men feel you up in public.

  6. Let men $%!@ you in the parking lot, on the hood of your husbands car or in the back seat.

  7. Let your husband see, feel and eat your lover's $%!@ that has been deposited in your face, mouth, $%!@ and $%!@.

  8. Make your husband watch.

  9. Deny your husband the privilege of watching.

  10. $%!@ another man in your bed.

  11. $%!@ another man while your husband is at work.

  12. $%!@ another man while your husband is in the next room.

  13. $%!@ another man, film it and make your husband watch it later.

  14. Place your husband in a chastity device.

  15. Tie up or otherwise restrain your husband and make him watch while you $%!@ other men. Consider gagging him too.

  16. While your $%!@ing your men and your husband is restrained, call your husband nasty, demeaning names.

  17. While your husband watches, always verbally express how good it feels.

  18. Do things with other men you wouldn't or haven't done with your husband.

  19. Tell your husband all the details of your $%!@ing.

  20. Deny your husband the details of your $%!@ing, but let him know your $%!@ing other men.

  21. Tell your mature daughters you $%!@ other men and Daddy likes it.

  22. $%!@ your husband's boss.

  23. $%!@ your husband's friends.

  24. $%!@ black men.

  25. $%!@ older men.

  26. $%!@ younger men.

  27. $%!@ rich men.

  28. $%!@ bikers, truckers and cops.

  29. Tell your husband you'd like to get pregnant by another man.

  30. Get pregnant by another man.

  31. Suck off a man in front of your husband and spit the $%!@ in your husband's mouth.

  32. Go to XXX adult video booths and suck $%!@ through glory holes.

  33. Make your husband suck your lovers $%!@.

  34. Make your husband lick your lovers $%!@.

  35. Make your husband take your lovers $%!@ up the $%!@.

  36. Make your husband wear women's clothing, make up and a wig.

  37. Make your husband clean the house while you're out $%!@ing

other men.

  1. Make your husband baby sit your lover's children while you got out with your lover.

  2. Make your husband wash and wax your lover's car while you $%!@ in your bed.

  3. Make your husband go to your lover's house and mow, paint, do other chores while you $%!@ in your bed.

  4. Make your husband get a "Cuckold" tattoo.

  5. You and your lover escort your husband to the clinic for a vasectomy and you both watch while it is done.

  6. Make your husband work more overtime while you go out.

  7. Make your husband pick out and pay for gifts for your lovers.

  8. Make your husband ask your lovers to $%!@ you.

  9. Make fun of your husbands $%!@ in front of your lovers and your husband.

  10. Deride, insult, and name call your husband in front of him and your lovers.

  11. Have your lovers humiliate your husband.

  12. Have your lovers slap your husband.

  13. Teach your daughters to have sex with your lovers.

  14. Teach your daughters to humiliate their father.

  15. Go out looking for men with your daughters.

  16. $%!@ on your husband right before you leave for a date.

  17. $%!@ on your husband right before you leave for a date.

  18. Deny your husband sex for long periods of time.

  19. Deny your husband all sex, even $%!@ion.

  20. Allow your husband only $%!@ion.

  21. Let a big dog $%!@ your husband.

  22. Walk around your house naked but deny your husband sex.

  23. Watch porn movies but $%!@e but deny your husband sex.

  24. $%!@e in front of your husband while you tell him the details of your sex with others.

  25. Bring home used condoms and give them to your husband.

  26. Wear all jewelry, clothes given to you by your lovers.

  27. Have your lover's call you at home and ask for you when your husband answers.

  28. Let your lovers use your husband's prize possessions i.e. boat,

motorcycle, guns, computers, car/truck, etc. anytime they want.

  1. Leave notes for your husband telling him your out on a date and for him to clean the house, wash the car, do chores etc.

  2. Call your lovers in front of your husband just to flirt, chat and make dates.

  3. Make your husband buy all of your condoms and lube.

  4. Make your husband pay for all items and services related to your $%!@ing other men.

  5. Make your husband lick out $%!@ from your $%!@ and $%!@.

  6. Make your husband lick off any $%!@ juice and $%!@ from your lovers $%!@.

  7. Make your husband suck your lovers $%!@ into a hard on so your lover can $%!@ your again.

  8. Make your husband guide your lovers $%!@ into your $%!@ and $%!@.

  9. Make your husband lie under the bed while you $%!@ your lovers.

  10. Tell your girlfriends your husband is a cuckold and you cheat on him a lot.

  11. Tell your mother.

  12. Tell HIS mother.

  13. Find girlfriends you like to go out with that hate your husband.

  14. Make your husband buy you sex toys.

  15. When out buying $%!@ clothes, take your husband with you and make

it clear to the sales staff that the clothes will be worn for other

men, not your husband. Say things like, "Oh! He'll love this!" Or,

"Mmm, I know I can pick up a lot guys with that!"

  1. Fall in love with another man.

  2. Tell your lover you love him in front of your husband.

  3. Have a second marriage ceremony with all your closest friends that

know you're a $%!@, remove the ring given to you by your husband and

wear the ring given to you by your lover. Make your husband the ring

bearer and an usher and leave for a honeymoon financed by your husband.

Hell, take the kids.

  1. Same as above but leave the kids for hubby to take care of.

  2. Take photos and video of your husband sucking $%!@ and getting

$%!@$%!@ed by lots of other men, then store them securely and threaten

to use them in court if you ever need them.

  1. Flirt and kiss other men when you are out.

  2. Always let other men pay for your drinks when you are out.

  3. Show your husband phone nr from other men.

  4. Always dress you self like a $%!@ when you are in other mens company.

118 You and your lover, use the mouth of your huby like an ashtray after you made love with your lover.

  1. get rid of all the toilet paper in the house. in the morning when bull has to dump a load, have him drag sissy into the toilet on all fours. while bull does his buisness, sissy cleans off bull's feet. then bull turns around and grabs sissy's head and forces him to use his tongue as toilet paper. there is nothing more humiliating than having to clean $%!@ off a big hairy bull $%!@. and then having to thank him for the honor. repeat this every day.

  2. have your lover bring his buddies over for a football game. sissy will serve them beer and they won't even have to get up to go $%!@. all they have to do is snap their fingers and sissy scurries over on all fours, opens his mouth and drinks all their $%!@. hope for overtime so that sissy can drink $%!@ all night long

  3. After a lot of heavy sex in the bedroom, with the cuck being denied watching, tell him you feel sorry for him and tell him he can join you "for a few lines.

When the little bitch starts looking around for his "lines",hot wife opens her thighs and shows fluff boy lines of $%!@ dribbling out of $%!@ and $%!@. The bull will then force the poor cuck to snort that nasty stuff up using his faggot (brown!) nose.

  1. Whenever you go away on a trip alone have your husband pack condoms and toys in your suitcase. Wonder aloud whether or not there are enough condoms. Then ask your husband if he thinks he should go to the store and buy more or risk having you run out.

  2. When your lover is over, send cuckold to bed early (like 8:00) so you can have some privacy with your lover.

  3. Threaten to give him a bare bottom spanking in front of your lover if he comes out of his bedroom before morning.

  4. Follow through on the above threat. While spanking his bare butt, lecture him about how you deserve a good $%!@ing from a real man and you are not going to tolerate him interrupting that.

  5. When $%!@ wife comes in from a date drunk she should $%!@ on the carpet in the middle of the room and make the cuck clean it up, while he is cleaning it up she should tell him all about her date.

Posted by Evil Kitty on 2009-04-20 23:25:44

Yes! I love these rules 4 men and boys! My bitches!!! And by the way u a$$holes, my mom just found out what Ive been doimng 2 my DAD (ie..humiliating and punishing him!) and she just laughed , so YES he is now my lilttle bitch!!! and I am gonna make him kiss my feet next! LOL. I am gonna humiliate him to the ULIMATE! I might even post pics of him (my lilttle bitch) kissing my feet! ha ha! what r u gonna do about it,Baby Boypower? huh? U r gonna kiss my butt AND my feet next ,you little BITCH!!!