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Boys humiliated by girls

cross country humiliation

Posted by taurence243 on 2007-07-12 07:42:50

Last year I was part of the cross country team at my school. WE were a co-ed team with both boys and girls. All of the junior and above boys (like me) were put on the varsity boys team. As part of the varsity boys we pretty much ran the practices and led the group.

We varsity boys took it upon ourselves to put down the younger males and females on the team. We would can the freshmen and make everyone else run extra laps if they ever challenged our control. About 3/4 of the way through the year the team got to use the pool for a free day. Our coach who was rarely at our practices left early to go home. He entrusted the team with the keys to both the boys and girls locker-rooms. We basiclly had a pool party for about half an hour. The girls had been really quiet throughout the whole thing and had stayed away from us varsity guys.Our varsity team consisted of only seven people while there were about ten non-varsity guys and sixteen girls. After about half an hour mostly all the younger guys had left and we were left with all the girls.

We first thought something was up when the varsity girls team captain morgan told our captain kevin to follow her into the gym. We thought she just wanted to talk with him but then one by one all seven of us were called into the gym. The entire school was empty and all the other sports teams and coaches had left hours ago. Iwas called second to last into the gym by morgan. As she led me to the gym I wondered what this could possibly be about. The gym was dark and all the bleachers were folded up. Morgan led me to the door on the farside of the basketball court. I didn't bother asking what she wanted because I had a feeling she wouldn't tell me. As morgan opened the door I felt something was very wrong, this was the girls locker room. Before I could object morgan shoved me through the door and four girls inside wrestled me to the ground. They bound my hands and feet and gagged me with a piece of cloth. The lockeroom was divided into aisles with a set of showers in a room at the end of each row. I was carried into one of these showererooms and rebound with my hands attached to a showerhead and my ankles tied to a drain grate on the ground. I could here muffled yells coming from the other showerooms and I realized everyone else must be in the same position as me. I was already shirtless from being in the pool and was only wearing some wet swim shorts. The girls who had bound me left and morgan entered my room. All the girls here were from the team and morgan appeared to be the leader. morgan was still wearing her bikini from the pool. She was not very pretty and had her read hair in a ponytail. Her body was very muscler but also quite stocky giving her a noticable lack of curves. Her legs were very thick and her butt was large but rigid. Her best quality was her breasts that were quite large and full. Her bikini was not very flattering, covering all of her butt but also accented her cleavage which she proudly displayed. I was scared by the look on her face as she stepped towards me I struggled at my bonds but I only hurt my wrists. She stepped closer and leaned in right next to my face. She kissed me lightyly on the lips and laughed as I struggled. Then she left the room and was replaced by two new teamates

The first girl to enter was Lisa. She was a junior like me who had been with the team as long as I had. She was known as a weird and $%!@ty girl who always wanted guys attention. She would often wear only a sports bra and shorts while running to show off her stomach. She had always resented the boys and me especially. Freshman year she had liked me and I had given her the cold shoulder and even teased her a few times. She was short and skinnt for her age but bigger than most of the freshmen girls. She had lots of ear piercing and short red hair. She was not particularly pretty despite her copius makeup and mascara. She had a very light build with skinny arms and legs. Her stomach was not fat but she still had some love handles around her waist. She had the flattest cheat on the team but had a well sculpted backside. As she walked into the shower room that day she was wearing a small red bikini that attempted to push up her breasts and showed off alot of her butt.

The second girl to enter was a freshman called Jessica. She was probably the most quiet freshman of the group. It had become common knowledge quickly who liked who on our team and I was said to top her list. She had a nice face and always kept her hair in a short ponytail. She was taller than Lisa and had a more rounded build in general. She had a flatter stomach that was very pale because she never tanned. Her legs were long and muscular with a quite large butt at the top. Her breasts were also large for a freshman. I had never dreamed of liking her because she was so much younger than me. That day she was wearing a white bikini that showed off more skin than she would usually.

These two girls stood in front of me. Jessica held a camera in one hand and Lisa was carrying a handbag which she set down on the ground. Lisa immeadiatly knealed down in front of my face and gave me a malicious smile. I asked what she was going to do. She said she was going to punish me for all I had done to hurt the girls team. I then realized This was the girls payback. Lisa started my "punishment by undoing my ankle bonds and removing my shorts. Jessica held my legs as I frantically kicked to get the girls away.After my shorts were off Lisa took a pink bikini bottom out of the handbag. With Jessicas help she put them around my ankles before retying me to the drain on the gorund. Before she pulled up the bikini lisa and jessica took a good long look at me naked. Lisa made fun of my $%!@ saying how small it is and how even her baby brothers is bigger. Jessica didn't say a word and seemed to be embarrassed seeing me naked. When Lisa got bored taunting my privates she decided they needed to be "messed with". She gently pinched the end of my member as I struggled to break free. Jessica started to take pictures as lisa rubbed my $%!@ to see if it was always that small. The entire situation was incredibly humiliating but at the same time arousing. My $%!@ got hard and lisa stopped rubbing. She said this was not meant to be a pleasurable experience. She tightened my bonds and took a ping pong paddle out of the bag. I imeadiatly knew what was coming and started to protest. Lisa laughed at my muffled cries and hit my stomach hard with the paddle. It hurt like crazy and I continued trying to protest. Lisa only smiled and hit me again. Jessica decided to switch the camera to video as lisa's paddle smacks increased in intensity. After lisa was convinced my belly was red enough she stopped. At this point I was starting to cry a little from the pain. My stomach was bed all over and even made one large purple mark right over my belly button. Lisa then decided to pull up my bikini. It was a tight fit especially around the back wear I could feel my butt crack sticking out the top. LIs then took out the matching pink bikini top that she quickly attached to my chest. Jessica laughed as a looked down at the pink cloth covering my crotch. I took me a while to make out but I soon realized the words written on the fabric read "girls rule and boys drool".

Lisa's next punishment involved more dress up Jessica continued to film as lisa dressed me as a cheerleader, a maid, a princess , and lastly a schoolgirl complete with a plaid skirt and thong. LIsa left me as a schoolgirl and rolled me over so I faced the wall. She loosened my hands and had Jessica help manuever me so I lay across her lap. I protested profusly but the girls were too strong and lisa locked me bent over her knee. Jessica handed lisa the ping pong paddle and started filming again. Lisa lfted the back of my skirt. She then surprised me by removing my gag and saying "If you scream this will only last longer, just say what I tell you to. I was silent, fearing the small girls wrath. She then began to spank my thong-clad butt cheeks with the paddle. She hit even harder than she had my stomach I bit my lip to stop from crying out. After ten hard slaps per cheek lisa stopped and said "say your my b**". She waited for five seconds and I remained silent. I did not want to give in. After I said nothing she worked over my butt again even faster with more intensity. I couldn't help but release a gasp of pain. This intensified her spanking and tears started to flow down my face. Lisa was putting all her force behind each slap and periodiclly yelled "say it!" at me. My mouth remained shut and lisa wore herself out. My entire butt was numb and throbbing. I couldn't see the damage but the look from jessica told me it was bad.

After lisa had rested she turned me over for a new attempt. While I was busy breathing heavily after the last onslaught i didn't notice lisa had replaced her bikini bottom with a thong. With Jessicas help she tied a rope around my head so it couldn't move. She then manauvered her legs on either side of my head and proceded to rub her bare butt cheeks against my face. She then said in a dominating tone "kiss my *". This was an incredibly arousing position so this time I decided to comply. I lightly kissed her left butt cheek and then her right. Lisa demanded more as Jessica moved in for a better camera angle. I gave her two long kisses on each cheek but she demanded tongue. I knew the video of this would be spread all over the school but I really had no choice. I ran my tongue all the way up her butt crack lightly touching the fabric of the thong. LIsa then proceded to remove her thong and simply stated "more" I pressed my lips between her cheeks and gently kissed her butt hole> I was then told to lick it. I reluctantly started to lick her butthole as she moaned softly. Then a sudden blast of air entered my open mouthand lisa started to laugh. I thought her butthole tasted bad but the fart was even worse. Lisa then lifted herself off my face and repositioned herself facing forward. I will spare you the details of what happened next but it is safe to say I ended up with a mouthful of come and lisa fell to the floor panting madly.

Jessica must have been very arroused by this because before I could even open my eyes she was ontop of me kissing my face. She eagerly shoved her tongue in my mouth and I (being incredibly horny at the time) responded in kind. Before long she started to move onto my $%!@. She laughed at its size as she lifted my skirt and began to rub it. After a short bout of licking she drew a condom from the bag and, well you can imagine what came next.

After we were done both girls were still left lying on the floor and I was too tired to move. After the two girls awoke they left and morgan came in with the other girls and blindfolded me. I was led by the girls outside but I couldn't tell where. After a short walk my bonds were tied to a the pole Before they left I heard lisa tell me to open my mouth. Tired from sex and ready to submit I did as she asked. A ball of cloth was placed in my open mouth and then it was covered by tape. As time went on I could hear more Boys being tied up to poles nearby. After a while I figured out that the fabric in my mouth was lisa's dirty thong she had been wearing. It was wet and even worse I couldn't spit it out. I was left there for about half an hour until one of my teamates broke his bonds and set us all free. We were in the middle of the field tied to the soccer goals. We ran back to the lockeroom but found all our clothes missing. We were all dressed in womens clothing from bikinis to cheerleaders and kevin was even left butt naked with a carrot up his butt. Eventually we were able to brake into a few lockers and steal some Pe clothes and go home. For the rest of the season we didn't talk to the girls, we never spoke of the incident ever again. The girls made us do laps by threating to tell everyone what they did to us. They still have videos of all of our humiliations. Apparently they still watch them from time to time. I have never heard anyone outside the team talk about the videos so I know they never shared them. Jessica and I have been labeled a couple ever since then amongst the team even though the other guys don't know why. The entire experience was actually quite arousing for me and I even went as far as to fool around with lisa after our final team dinner. I haven't spoken to Jessicca properly since that day. She is completely embaressed about what happened as are alot of the younger girls. Well thats my story and it even has a moral, don't be mean to people, I guess. I posted this because I enjoyed the experience in a perverted way and I wonder If anyone else gets the same rush I do being humiliated.

Posted by sissy boy on 2007-12-21 12:50:50

did you get hard? Why did you eat out that buch bitch?