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Never Been Loved

A Girl

Posted by Away on 2007-12-26 00:37:37

Listen, there are a lot of girls out there who feel exactly like you, never been loved don't know what to say, missed the boat on the entire way that people manage to couple off with each other. One of the things that I am personally most scared of is that I will never be loved because when there is someone interested in me, I freak out or I don't know what to do etc. Do you know how many girls would be thrilled to hear that you are just as terrified? Do you think there are not girls who deal with adhd, depression, mood swings, and anything else that makes them feel like they are constantly living behind a mask?

This is going to be hypocritical advice but I am pretty sure you are not going to meet these girls by posting polls on the internet about something you are craving. I am not going to say I know how people do it but it always seems that people running in the same circles eventually hook-up. If you don't have a circle get one, move to another place, build yourself up so you have contact with people and do things that scare you so you build confidence and have random things and common interests to talk about with people at parties, social events etc.

from a girl

Posted by Houwler on 2023-10-30 15:55:39

I understand the feeling. Love can seem elusive, but the right connection often comes when least expected. It might be worth exploring modern dating sites to meet new people. These platforms offer opportunities to connect based on shared interests and values. You might be surprised where you find a meaningful connection. Consider checking out some reputable dating sites. They cater to various preferences, and some even provide possibilities for relationships, like moldovan women for marriage. Take your time, stay open-minded, and remember that everyone deserves to experience love and companionship.