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Girls, how would you want your husband to dress up of???

wife did

Posted by Neals on 2004-06-09 20:05:40

When I was a 4 or 5 year old my sister and mom would make me wear a dress for punishment. i hated it. i had to wear it for a day or 2 at a time and then later for a week at a time. When i was nine my mom made me dress up in a very frilly girls outfit after not having to do it for punishment for quite I long time and i was supposed to wear it for a whole weekend. When sunday came along, my mom found that I had took off my boys underwear and was wearing a pair of my sisters pink underwear, she about fainted and freaked out. She made me wear my sisters stuff for the entire week and curled my hair and put pink ribbons in it. After the week was over, she let me go back to my boys stuff, but I really like the frilly panties and continued to take my sisters underwear and wear them. After my mom figured out what was going on, she was upset and scolded me regularly over it, but I did not stop. Several months later for Christmass, when i opened the stuff in my stocking, I found several packages of girls underwear and my mom said that I could wear them and to leave my sisters stuff alone. She wanted to know if i was really interested in other girls stuff, but i told her that I only liked the underwear and girls nightgowns, she bought me several lacy nightgowns and to this day I wear womens underwear and sleep in nightgown. My wife does not mind and now I occasionally dress up with her on special occasions as a women and we make a night of it. I have always worn my hair in longer styles and she regularly likes to style it and do fancy things with it, like full upswept curls and formall style, but i do not wear my hair out in public in upswept styles but i do wear it always like womens normal everyday styles. One day when my wife was doing my hair she said let me touch up your eyebrows a little, When she was done I was shocked because they were fully arched and almost paper thin. I was shocked at first but with the long hair and always being mistaken for a women, I eventually liked it and she continues to wax and style them today. Since we have been going out dressed up, she has been wanting me to continue on dressing and being more like a women everyday and I must say I am enjoying it very much. She even wants me to go even further than the fake breasts that I wear glued on. she would like me to go on hormones to become even more feminate and grow my own breasts or have a boob job. She does not want me to become a women, we just enjoy me looking like one and our sex life is great. She thinks the fake breasts are great when we are in bed so she thinks that if I have my own it would even be more of a turn on. She is a very loving person but she is very dominating and at times she refers to me as her slave or servant. But I can't complain because I love it and i married my very own fantasy women, when i met her.

Posted by pennysue on 2004-12-05 05:23:36

I too have completley feminized my husband, he dresses and looks completely like a women and passes for one without any doubts. He goes completly arround town, to the hair dressers or market or out with the kids and no one except the few who actually know us well know that he is indeed a man. He has a full wardrobe, plus modern Chic hair style with frosted blonde hair and many times men have actually hit on him and usually looks better than most of the women you would see in any given day.

Posted by matty23 on 2005-01-03 20:57:32

I have been completly feminized by my wife along with my son. We both dress female all of the time. It was first at my suggesttion that I liked some womens clothing and she was not to keen on the idea, but then she took over and now I have to be completly feminate looking at all times. Although I love dressing and looking like a female, she now is in complete control and I am the women and she is now more the man. I have long blonde hair and she cut hers short like a mans.

Posted by Doris on 2005-07-26 21:57:56

What does feminate mean. It is a mispelling and you use it a lot under different names. Children like you should stay away from here.

Posted by RikCuk on 2010-04-25 17:39:46

She is correct! The word used should be "Effeminate"