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stronger little sisters

I'm a stronger little sister

Posted by MPC2550935878 on 2005-04-23 02:20:37

I'm a girl 15 and my step-brother is 17 and I can overpower him far to easy, I mean it seriously is amazing how weak he is.

Firsty he's pretty skinny so he's light and easy to lift, plus he's 2 inches shorter than me so he's easy to throw around lol.

I mean i've got fairly strong arm muscles so i can lift him easy with my arms or arm, but like with most girls my legs are stronger and if i put his body between my legs i can lift him easy and he's helpless to do anything about it.

Plus its amazing how easy it is to knock small guys unconcious, i mean i squeeze him between my legs or in my arms and he's knocked out pretty quickly. What i like to do is cradle him in my arms like he's a baby then squeeze, that knocks him out really quick.

Posted by chiliestpepp on 2005-06-22 22:41:10

how tall are you?

Posted by MPC2550935878 on 2005-06-30 22:07:33

I'm 5'10

Posted by chiliestpepp on 2005-07-06 17:21:54

I'm 17 and 5 foot 2, you'd kick my $%!@

Posted by legs14 on 2006-11-14 18:48:04

I am 19 and 5.7 tall and weigh 105 pounds. My step-sister is 14 and 5.5 and weighs 112. She seeems to enjoy taking me down and getting on top of me and telling me how weak and puny I am. Sometimes she either lays or sits on me for 20 or 30 minutes. If anyone has a similar experience please send me an E-mail to bakerl228@hotmail.com