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Are Girls stronger than boys

Answer to: Are Girls stronger than boys?

Posted by Little dude on 2007-11-19 02:15:19

Well, girls can be stronger than boys. It depends on the person, but I'd think that most girls are stronger than boys. My little sister is stronger AND taller than me! She is 6 inches taller than me and can lift me up like a feather. Its pretty embarrassing because Im a guy, but I guess its just genetics that made her so much taller and stronger than me. Im sure there are lots of girls stronger boys while there are also lots of boys stronger than girls. If they aren't equal, I'd say there are more girls stronger than boys than there are boys stronger than girls.

Hell, in my gym class at school, the gym teacher sometimes divides the teams for dodgeball as boys versuse girls. There are 4 more boys than there are girls, but the girls won 4 times while the boys won once.

Posted by Blurman on 2009-07-22 18:09:55

When i was 15 a 12 year old girl on my road could easily dominate me.

Posted by dynastyyanks on 2009-08-18 01:40:19

In my experience, there is a rapid dropoff in girls strength after puberty. In elementary school, the strongest girls were stronger than all but a few boys. In middle school, a very strong girl could still beat an athletic boy in an arm wrestle, but they couldn't hang around with the strongest boys. In high school, most athletic boys have blown past the strongest girls, and an average boy might give a strong girl problems.

Posted by Del on 2009-08-24 20:59:04

I agree dynastyyanks. I knew a girl who couldn't be beat at armwrestling, wrestling, or fighting in elementary school and she could beat many boys without even trying. She teased some boys that they weren't even strong enough for her to bother with.

During middle school, the strongest boys blew past her and the other boys began catching up to her. But she could still outfight or overpower most boys and there were still some boys her age that she considered to be total wimps compared to her. There was also a younger boy who was quite athletic and macho, and determined to beat her. She thought he was a joke, but one day he beat her at armwrestling. Later they fought and he beat her again. She was shocked and humiliated, and her confidence was broken.

In high school, many of the remaining boys passed her and she didn't dare call any boy a wimp. She even stopped fighting and wrestling middle school boys because it was too humiliating when she lost to some little punk that she used to beat without working up a sweat. It was kind of sad to see her go from dominant to "just a girl."

Posted by powerjack on 2010-02-19 14:52:32

Well here is my personal experiences, When i was 14, and my younger sister was 13, She was WAY taller and stronger than me, I was about 5 foot tall and my sister was 5 feet 6 tall already!, She would tease me and dominate me physically, Once we had a wrestling match in the same school we attend . She completely dominated me infront of my mother, It was embarassing

but as we aged things have changed, I am 20 and 5 feet 5 my sister is only about 5 feet 7, She might still be a little stronger than me but there's no way she could beat the strongest boys..