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Pantsing Poll

Pantsing Revenge

Posted by beeslad on 2004-03-18 10:42:19

When I was a kid there were two rival gangs in our area. One day while I was on my way from school I was taunted by one of the rival members. Without hesitation I chased him into the woods. However I didn't realise that this was a trap and suddenly I was jumped on by four other blokes. They hauled me to my feet and held a council of war to decide what they would do with me. They removed my school blazer and shirt as well as my socks and shoes. Then one of the girl members opened my trousers which fell to the ground and I was stood in just a pair of red briefs. Another younger girl stepped behind me and pulled these down leaving me naked. Then they threw my clothes into the trees and made me climb up to get them or face going home naked. I retrieved the clothes and as I was getting dressed they ran off laughing and teasing. A couple of weeks later I set a trap for their gang leader and when we caught him we stripped him to his briefs. He waswearing stripey y fronts which we all laughed at. We took these off and turned him over. Then each of us gave him two spanks each with his own trainer. Revenge was sweet

Posted by raymon on 2011-12-22 05:52:16

When I was 14 someone started chasing me on my way home from school. I didn't see him anymore, so I thought I lost him. 3 blocks later he ambushed me along with 3 other boys and 6 GIRLS. They stripped me completely naked and started taking pictures/videos and threw my clothes on top of a house. The girls spanked me for about 5 minutes and then they left( they did it in a place where nobody could see us). I had walked 10-13 blocks completely naked. About 5-10 other students and 10-20 people saw me.