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Kids kicking off their shoes in class

Taking shoes off in class gets you lines or detention.

Posted by Blonde Orbit on 2003-11-13 14:58:08

I didn't realise that some schools in some countries would allow students to take their shoes off in class. It would be considered as sloppy and would get you a detention or lines. Although we have some dumb rules (that I'm sure were just made to keep people in check) this is one that seems sensible. Who knows what might be on the floor ready to stick in you! ..I can just hear the teachers (and my Dad), "Sloppy dress shows a sloppy attitude which makes sloppy work".

Posted by Kandou on 2005-06-19 19:02:50

You do realise it's healthier to go barefoot than shod, right?

Posted by Analecta on 2005-06-28 02:39:52

Our school is quite strict on uniform. Ther would be no way you could slip your shoes off during lessons. doing this would get you detention for sure. The school would use safety as the reason. Besides, who knows what has just been on that bit of floor - Eeew!!

Posted by Joe7001 on 2021-02-01 16:48:56

I was in a school library and I had my shoes off and they said "We are not allowed to study in our socks" So me being the jerk I was I took my socks off too and He got mad but friends laughed I never got detention tho just made to put them back on . GOOD TIMES .

Posted by jaymeister on 2021-02-01 19:59:17

Our library had a rule that you could have your shoes off as long as they were on the floor by your feet however, you could not leave them unattended to get up to use the restroom or do research or to grab a book. If your shoes were left lying on the floor unattended, the staff would come and take them and you had to pay a one dollar fine to get them back. I think I paid more money to get my shoes back then they were worth.