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Girls vs. Boys Who's stronger?

I'm The Strongest!

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2004-11-27 20:25:05

I'm a very strong teenage girl with legs of steel and I have no problem beating men and women in wrestling matches. Regular wrestling, arm wrestling, leg wrestling -- it doesn't matter because I always win. I haven't run into anyone yet who's been much of a challenge. Scissor holds are my favorite (I just love to squeeze) and nobody can handle my leg strength. Grown men and women have screamed their submissions to me and I only use 50% of my power. I seriously think I would kill somebody if I ever used 100% of my strength. When I wrap my legs around someone they have two choices: submit or get knocked out cold. There must be some guys and girls out there who could give me a run for my money but I haven't found them yet. I'd love to hear from anyone who thinks they could handle my squeeze.


P.S. - Here's some of my stats: thighs: over 23", calves: 16", biceps: 15". I'm pure muscle from head to toe and solid as a rock from gymnastics and working out. My leg scissor holds are pure death and no one (so far) has been able to take my power. Do you think you could?

Posted by wrestlegurl7 on 2004-11-29 22:53:32

I am a woman who could beat you easily. I have thighs at 27inches. I have calves at 19 inches, and I have biceps at 17 inches.

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2004-11-30 00:06:12

Sorry rokkkk but I've read some of your other posts and you seem to be a little, um, shall we say unbelievable.



Posted by Candie on 2004-12-04 03:07:42

MGB, she forgot to include one of her stats: Her IQ is 2! Yeah, rokkkk, right! And I'm the Easter Bunny!

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2004-12-05 21:39:49

Good one Candie! This "person" is a real waste of space.
