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Final Fantasy series vs The Legend of Zelda series


Posted by Gamer32 on 2003-12-11 22:36:52

I voted The Legend of Zelda. I say Zelda because 1) Its more realistic. Fights dont take place 50 ft away from your enemy and enemies dont usually give their opponents a chance to fight back. Fights are more realistic in The Zelda games.

2) The Legend of Zelda series has the better Storyline. Does Final Fantasy even have a storyline that connects all the games together besides FFX and FFX2?

I'll admit Final Fantasy has awesome games, and I am a fa of the series, but it just doesnt measure up to the Zelda series.

Posted by Samdude27 on 2006-08-01 16:45:26

How can you say that? FF has 100000 times more the story line. THEY'RE NOT CONNECTED FOR A REASON. OBVIOUSLY YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED ONE!!!! All Zelda is is the same 2 storyline's told in a few different ways. FF is 40 hours of new stuff every time!!!! RESEARCH NEXT TIME

Posted by Nintendork8183 on 2008-11-09 03:28:26

Dude, Zelda's story is WAY more better! All of the games after OoT are related to it's story!

EX: Twilight Princess follows Kid Link from OoT's story, while the Toon Link games follow the Adult Link from OoT's story! It's like two different dimensions!