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Travel addict

Posted by Predator on 2003-12-11 19:13:29

Hi there. Yeah, I love travel. I live in England, and I'm not a wealthy person by British standards, but this is partly because I spend all my spare money on travel. I have been to 54 countries so far. These include Iceland, Lebanon, Tanzania, Japan and Fiji. However I've also been to a lot of mundane countries like France, Greece, USA and the like. Next year, God willing, I'm planning a lot more travel, if I can sell my flat. No wife or kids to worry about! Ethiopia, Siberia, Uzbekistan, Bolivia, Antarctica here I come! (God willing). I know those are not all countries by the way. The best country I've been to was New Zealand. Poland and Iceland are very beautiful too. Most fascinating history - Egypt. Best travel experience - climbing Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Best wishes to all travellers out there.

Posted by RobbieRaynor on 2019-10-07 12:46:28

Travel agencies are the only way a traveler can manage the trip. However, finding a reliable agency is a challenge which we have solved by preparing a list of 6 Best Travel Agencies in the World

Posted by Wic Coe on 2022-02-07 20:51:57

I also love to travel and have been almost everywhere and upon arrival home I always ordered airport chauffeur service I can advise this company since I traveled mainly in this company and I have only positive memories they always came during the delivery always conveniently and efficiently.

Posted by Houwler on 2023-11-13 15:55:19

Indulging in wanderlust is more than a passion; it's a way of life. For fellow travel addicts, the thrill lies in exploring new cultures, savoring diverse cuisines, and creating memories that last a lifetime. Share your most cherished travel experiences;hose hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path discoveries, and the cultural encounters that left an indelible mark. Let's build a collective travelogue, inspiring each other to embark on new adventures. What's your favorite destination so far, and what's next on your travel bucket list?

Posted by Cuttery on 2023-11-13 16:25:34

Hey fellow travel enthusiasts! I feel you on the budget struggle while feeding that wanderlust. One tip: when heading to or from Luton Airport, I always opt for Luton AIport Taxi. They offer the most comfortable and affordable return journeys to not only Luton Airport but also other London airports and destinations further afield. It's a game-changer for stress-free travel. Here's to more adventures on a budget!