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Mixed fights

I agree with TuffGirl

Posted by athlete on 2004-04-19 23:59:33

On average, boys are the better fighters, but when you get an athletic girl who is in shape, the odds change. I'm an in-shape 18 yr old teen boy and I'd rather fight, wrestle, play soccer,etc. against a boy or boy's team, anytime! When a girl is into it, she can be a lot to handle. Some girls just won't give up, like the guys. I don't lose too much, but I got my butt kicked by a JV girl wrestler. I just didn't get pinned, I got whipped. This girl went on to beat the boy's state champion and I got the pictures to prove it.

Posted by vinu on 2005-09-19 07:46:24

She is terrific!!!

I am a 22 year old boy haing 5'6" height but having only 48 kg weight. I like to fight with girls. But upto last may I did not get a chance to fight with a girl. But the last june, I went to my uncle's home . There is my uncle's daughter. she is my bestfriend. she is having a terrific body language. She is25 years old, 6 feet 1 inch tall girl and having 95 kg weight.Her hands and thie haing strong muzzles. I told her , I want to fight with you, let me. she agreed. We started. she simply lifted he and thrown away me into a bed. And she hold my neck with one hand and simply lfted me. Within 5 minute I agreed my defeat. She is very terrific. The size of her thie is doubler than my thie. But she is my est friend

Posted by SolidSnake2K on 2007-01-07 15:44:51

what a sick bastard you are... "I like to fight with girls" ??? Oh and did you noticed that its no miraculous thing that you, whom is "5'6" height but having only 48 kg weight" being lifted by a "6 feet 1 inch tall girl and having 95 kg weight"?

As for the main topic, yeah. On average, boys are more natural when it comes to fighting. And again, you cant compare a male pro-boxer against a female pro-boxer. Outcome is more than clear. Trained women can overpower a bunch of men who don't train.