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Has anyone been forced to undress during a crime?

Robbed at home

Posted by anthony21 on 2010-08-12 20:21:42

When I was 15 (22 now), I was home during the summer on a weekday. I had a job at a grocery store and had just gotten home and decided to take a nap. I stripped down to my boxers (no tshirt) to take a nice nap. A little while later I heard a noice downstairs in our kitchen so I got up to walk down to see what it was. I walked in on this guy in the kitchen who got startled and immediately grabbed a knife out of the knife stand and pointed it at me. Before I could even react two other guys tackled me from behind and pinned me down. I was thrashing and yelling and one of the guys that was pinning down yelled at the guy with knife to go find something to tie the kid up with. In the meantime these guys are punching me and I'm yelling and thrashing and there telling me to be still. I'm scared and not listening. Eventually he returns with some belts and ties from my dad's closet. The three of them pinned my hands behind me and tied my hands. Then they synched a belt around my upper arms and chest. They found some rope like bungee cords and tied my legs and ankles. The ripped up kitchen rags to put a gag in my mouth and then us ties to hold the gag in place. Then on top of that they found some packing type tape and wrapped it around my already bound wrists and gagged mouth. I was fearful and completely helpless. Two of the guys lifted me by my upped arms and elbows to drag me to a closet. While I'm getting dragged like that my junk pretty much falls out of my boxer fly. They stood me up to put me in the closet and noticed my junk and started laughing at me. I tried to lean over to get it back in there but one of them noticed my hair sticking out of the sides of the fly. I have very blond hair and blond pubic hair. The robbers were talking about this dudes white bush. One of them took the elastic band on my boxers and tucked it up under my balls so that I was completely exposed. They literally called in the third guy to look at my blond pubic hair. I was so embarrassed. They had a robbery to carry out though so they gave me a push into the closet and shut the door. I hit my head and knee when I was shoved in the closet and it really hurt and I was stunned. I struggled against my ropes but it just rubbed my wrists. I cried a couple of times just out of fear and frustration. Eventually my dad and mom came home and I kicked at the closet door. He opened it up to see me there. He got me ungagged and untied and we called the police. Incidentally it was in every paper in our metro area how a fifteen year old was confronted by robbers and bound and gagged in a closet.

Posted by scott4455 on 2010-08-12 23:49:08

Hi, Anthony.

That certainly sounds like a terrifying experience, only made worse by the humiliation. It really seems like they went overboard on tying you up. Maybe because they were sort of panicky when you surprised them. I can see how your boxers could slide around while struggling and being drug across the floor. Did your stuff pop out the fly or did your shorts slide down far enough for it to come out the top? I understood that they pulled your shorts down in front and hooked it under your balls. Did they touch you very much while doing this? I too know the embarrassment of having strangers laughing and mocking your equipment at close quarters while on full display. It is horrible. Were you able to do anything to cover yourself at all or were you still on full display when your parents saw you?

Posted by slimmate on 2010-08-13 00:32:43

Dear Anthony,

What color of the boxers you were wearing that time? Did the robbers get caught later? How long were you in the closet before being rescued?

Posted by anthony21 on 2010-08-13 02:31:35

Scott, I was really thrashing and kicking and everything when they tackled me to the floor. At that time I think my boxers were sliding all around but they didn't really come down. Maybe a little butt crack showing. The robbers rolled my on my back and pinned my arms behind me when they were tying me up. They really twisted my arms so it hurt. It really took all three of them to subdue me pretty much. I don't think they would have gagged me if I hadn't been yelling for help so much. One of them said to shut me up so they stuffed torn up rags in my mouth. I was still laying on my stomach when the robbers picked me up on each side by the top of my arms around my biceps. They sort of lifted and drug me and that's when my stuff fell out of my fly. They were pulling me into a standing postition when they saw it and started laughing. Then they saying how my hair down there was blond like my head. It was very novel to them and they just had to look at it. That's when they took the waist band and pulled it down and cupped it under my balls. They just stood me there and then made fun of my pubic hair color. Then without warning they literally gave me a shove into the closet and I just fell in. It was very uncomfortable and I had hurt myself when I fell. I was so crammed in that it was very difficult to move and I was cramping up some. That's when I would occassionally cry. It was about an hour or so later before my parents got home. I was knocking on the closet door. When they opened the door there I was to their shock. My dad told me mom to quickly go get some scissors or a knife. While she was doing that my dad pulled me out of the closet. I think he thought that he accidentally pulled my boxers down when he was pulling me out of the closet because he stood me up and noticed that my stuff was still hanging out. He just quickly said, let me fix this real quick and adjusted the waist band so that my junk was covered before my mom got back. He really didn't say too much about else about it. Slim, I had on boxers with some kind of Target brand pattern on them. Flowers or something like that.

Posted by anthony21 on 2010-08-13 02:33:00

I've been keeping up with the forum for a while but finally decided to put in my situation.