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Has anyone been forced to undress during a crime?

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Posted by DanMN on 2016-02-27 02:18:27

Makes sense. You can talk a good game but in reality you'll do as you're told. My brother has never had the talk a good game deal since he was like 10 minutes from being there in the robbery with me. He was just more freaked out about how close he came to ended up naked in the closet. Well that and the bikini briefs deal from that day. LOL. I will admit, when he first said that years ago my thoughts were "you're upset about what underwear you would have been seen in" now it's more of laughing at the prospect of him being like that until he woudl have gotten naked. Yeah I know what I've been through isn't a laughing matter, but just the thought of it can be funny.

Posted by guynfl on 2016-03-01 18:31:56

I chuckle at the thought of my brother trussed up like a package after all his big talk!

Dan, are you glad your brother didn't suffer the same fate as you? How do you think it would have been dealing with it if you both had been through it?

Posted by DanMN on 2016-03-02 05:01:03

I am glad that my brother wasn't there and didn't have to undress and robbed at gunpoint and be stranded naked in the closet for that time. I know he would have complied and he would have been able to handle what we went through but honestly I'm glad he didn't have to live through it. It is tough to have lived through it myself but to know that my brother was going through it too would have been a lot. In terms of dealing with it, I think during we would have been a good support system for each other. Sort of ignore the whole being naked or being humilated by the robbers and just focus on getting each other through it. After yeah we would have had that strong support system to help each other. At the same time though, I think it would have been weird to see each other at first after. Basically having been naked together for a period and also the comments the robbers made about manhoods in mine. Just knowing that. Just a bit weird.

How do you think it would have been for you and your brother if he was there with you and your Dad? How would have been after? If this happened to you and him now, how would it be for you and him?

Posted by guynfl on 2016-03-02 22:20:44

Actually I think it would have been harder on my dad if both his fairly young sons were tied up with him at the mercy of robbers. My brother would have just complied at the time and I would have hated having him there too along with my dad. I think in my head I would be wishing they had come to find me.

Me and my brother know would just be forced to take it. I think once someone rescued us he'd be more $%!@ed than I me. He'd be yelling that he couldn't believe someone would do that to us.

If you oldest son had shown up at your robbery how would it have been for him and you?

Posted by DanMN on 2016-03-03 04:20:45

I think if my oldest son had shown up in mine I would have been shocked at first and trying to be protective. Like when he was shoved in the closet, just making sure he was ok and behind everyone. And when we had to get naked, see he could be spared or at least making sure he was not seen as much, stuff along those lines. I'd almost hope he'd be there when the robbers first came so he wouldn't be alone when he was confronted. Basically I would be trying to be very protective of him during. I think he'd be upset during and trying to just stay as calm as possible and I'd also try to make sure he stayed calm and didn't do anything.

It would have been far worse for me to have him there and knowing he was in harm's way and would also have the impact of going through it. I think you're Dad has said the same thing here before. You just have that parental instinct of wanting to protect your child and in the situations we've been in you don't have that since you're at the mercy of others.

If it happened to you and your brother now, how would you react to being told to undress, how would your brother? How would you have handled it if you walked in and found your Dad tied up in his underwear on the floor after the robbers had left? How would you have handled being in mine with your Dad where you were in your underwear then had to get naked and it last for a while and had women there?