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Has anyone been forced to undress during a crime?

Pizza Joint Robbed several times

Posted by pizzadude on 2016-12-31 01:45:07

I own a small pizza take-out and delivery joint along with a business partner and his wife. During the ten years we have owned this operation we have been robbed six times, four of which we were forced to remove some articles of clothing. All the robberies have occurred late at night (early morning actually) after the drinking establishments closed down. Pants and shoes every time and they like to smash POP SHOPPE bottles on the floor so we can't run after them and get a description of their car. We have been forced to remove more clothing than just pants and shoes on two of the robberies and those robbers were armed with knives. The robbers with guns do not need more intimidation than what they have already. The ones with knives use the humiliation of nudity or partial nudity to subdue any action we might think of taking.

Posted by slimmate on 2017-01-01 13:59:58

Hi Dude,

After each robbery, does the security be tighten?

Posted by pizzadude on 2017-01-03 05:23:38

Each robbery is a learning experience and we make modifications each time. The first rule is to let the money go, it is not worth getting hurt physically. We have security cameras installed in plain sight but that does not scare them off. We are situated only a couple of blocks from the interstate highway so they are long hone before the police arrive. We also learned to leave the pop cooler in place as they like break glass on their getaway since our shoes are off and pop bottles are cheaper to replace than windows. We are open late nights only Friday and Saturday because the bars and taverns are busy those nights. We are so busy after the bars close that we need everyone working including my woman partner of our business. I wish we could hire a guy to take her place but can not afford to yet. The robbers always take her panties when they make us undress. Some kind of a trophy I guess. We keep only a certain amount of money in the till and regularly deposit surpluses in the safe but we have learned to keep a small stash on hand as one time we were all stripped completely naked in an attempt to force us to open the safe. It is time locked and can only be opened in the morning. Better to give them a bit more money if the situation is getting more dangerous.

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