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Has anyone been forced to undress during a crime?

Is it so crazy?

Posted by Madoc on 2018-10-05 23:23:01

I know it could be a controversial topic, if anyone will ever respond. I've read all the stories in this poll. All. The girl who were forced to strip in a parking lot, the teacher who were used as a distraction and "meat shield", the tourists in Jugoslavia, the jewelry robbery, the three girls who were slapped on the butt by the robber... Not as a fetish, but as a kind of morbid curiosity. And every time I've read these stories, two were the feelings that I experienced: anger, of course, against the criminals who made the victims do these things, and, this is the controversial part, disappointment against the girls and guys that obeyed. Now, I can't understand how it is to have a gun or a knife pointed at you. Never experienced. And it's not like I haven't instinct of self-preservation. But nothing will change my mind about the fact that I, as a guy, would never strip completely (I mean, until the boxers I can allow, I'm not THAT shy) in front of a group of people with girls presents, and if I were a girl I would never obey even if it were just me and the robber. Shoot me, stab me if you want if it's so important for your plan, I won't do myself, and if you try to force me yourself, well, prepare for a resistance 'til death like a defence against a rape: come close and I will bite your skin, rip your testicles, put your eyes out, if I'll ever have the chance. And if all will end with the gun or the knife, well, at least I would go to hospital or worse knowing that I held up my principles and my dignity of human being. No one will see me naked against my will, unless it's my unresponsive and inert body and mind. I know if I would ever allow this, as a guy but even more if I were a girl, I'd think constantly about it for months, years, maybe even my life, with my guts eroding. And desiring vengeance against the perpetrators. So, better all or nothing.

Is it so crazy?

Posted by janiceturner on 2018-10-07 21:29:34

Easy to say madoc, you might change your mind if facing a gun and thought u had ten seconds to live

Never happened to me so not sure what I'd do myself. Probly obey cos I'd be to frightened to do anything else tho you should realise having to take of your clothes is worse for a woman

Posted by Madoc on 2018-10-07 23:49:12

Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon. Don't negotiate with terrorists. These are my state of my mind about the subject. And it would be the same in case of strip search by an officier of opposite sex (and of course even more if I were female).

Posted by janiceturner on 2018-10-08 15:43:16

Stripsearch isnt the same thing cos someone in authority does the search and they have the right to do it

I have been stripsearched myself, by a woman at customs and i didnt hesitate to obey and that was in a situation where it wasn't life and death. I'm not sure strippin for a robber would be any worse and it would certainly be the sensible thing to do

Posted by Madoc on 2018-10-08 18:09:04

I'm not saying I wouldn't do a strip search if it were conducted by a male. In that case, they would have the right. But I wouldn't subject it from a female officier; I know it could sound weird from an heterosexual man. And if I were a woman, for sure if a man asked me to do that I would politely refuse, and if no woman would be on the way to come, no way in hell he would see me strip anyway.

And as I said, same for the robber.