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Who has the Muscle, Moms or Teens?

poll ---- why girls win?

Posted by Amit Dua(smartindian) on 2004-02-29 08:34:10

Hi all, there are so many polls in misterpoll about strength of girls and boys and most of the results go in favour of girls. My concentration in on the reason. Whether girls are really strong or the results are false. I created a new poll about this. It will be my pleasure if you take part in this poll. The link is:



Posted by Coffee_addict on 2004-09-04 17:27:07

Hi, in reply to your question, men (boys) are stronger than women (girls) generally speaking. It is just the way in which the two sexes are made up, and nothing can be done about it. It is true, however, that until adolesence, when teenage boys experience greater muscle growth and developement, girls and boys share the same strength, sometimes with girls stronger. Some people also find the idea of women overpowering men sexually arousing, and of course, there are some cases where certain women will be stronger than certain men.