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Taking a Whiz

As for peeing in rivers and streams...

Posted by beachmom on 2004-05-27 05:52:19

Interestingly enough, in many National Parks such as along the Colorado River, in the Everglades, ect... the U.S. Park Service encourages boaters and campers to urinate directly into the water and not on land. In the west where there is little rain the smell of urine builds in camps and in the everglades urine kills many marsh plants. In rivers urine is dilluted so much it makes no difference.

Posted by luigi on 2004-07-18 20:07:46

I think we should pee in rivers or oceans if we need to go. Why not?

========== In Reply To ========== Interestingly enough, in many National Parks such as along the Colorado River, in the Everglades, ect... the U.S. Park Service encourages boaters and campers to urinate directly into the water and not on land. In the west where there is little rain the smell of urine builds in camps and in the everglades urine kills many marsh plants. In rivers urine is dilluted so much it makes no difference.

Posted by Kelly-girl on 2007-12-16 03:08:09

Peeing in the water. When we were out on our boat my husband our two girls and I always peed over the side a into the water. We took a raft trip on the Snake River a few years ago and the guides had us pee in the river. When I'm out on a hike in the woods and need to pee I look for a creek to use. It works great I pee in the water and all is gone and no splatter on my shoes either. On the beach when I need to pee I wade out about waist deep, pull my bottoms down and pee in the river. Finished I pull my bottoms up and wade back to shore.

Posted by Mr. SP on 2008-01-18 03:59:52

On the boat I always stand at the side and point my peeter at the water and pee in it. It depends on how many beers I have had as to how much I pee in the water.

Posted by beerpiss on 2013-03-05 23:49:44

When i'm in a boat or fishing with my male friends, i just pull the big guy out and $%!@ in the water. If the girls are with us we $%!@ out of view behind our cars, or hold it until we can $%!@ without them seeing us. (It's hard for me, i have a huge bladder, but i have to $%!@ alot)