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Circumcise Your Son?

Circumcision but not at birth

Posted by Tammy M on 2004-04-16 18:09:50

If I had a boy(though I would rather have a girl) I would not have him circumcized until he began to play with himself. I would hope that the pain of being circumcized(definitely without anesthetic) would desuade him from playing with his weiner.


Posted by monkeyfrog on 2004-04-21 01:00:36

That's really sick. I hope someone locks you in a mental facility before you have the opportunity to do that; you have no right to do that.

========== In Reply To ========== If I had a boy(though I would rather have a girl) I would not have him circumcized until he began to play with himself. I would hope that the pain of being circumcized(definitely without anesthetic) would desuade him from playing with his weiner.


Posted by mnmn1234 on 2004-12-08 05:22:42

agreed, that is pointless studies show that "playing with your self" poses no danger it is the treatment of it by the parents that causes harm and if youl'd do that your son would hate you for the rest of his life would you want that, huh? furthur more i think you should see a shrink

Posted by Ed197 on 2005-02-23 10:36:39

Hello Tammy,

You've come in for some emotional criticism for your views, haven't you. I think I can reply in a calm way.

Apart from the rights and wrongs of your idea, I don't think that it will work. I was circumcised at age four without any anesthetic (though I don't think it was because I had started to "play with myself", as you put it). My father told me that I did indeed find the procedure extremely painful but I don't remember it at all. So no chance that the pain could disuade me from playing with myself.

The Victorians used to believe that circumcision could prevent or cure mast*ation. On the face of it, there seems to be a certain amount of logic there. I mean, an uncut boy mast*ates by repetedly moving his foreskin backwards and forwards. If this part is cut off, he obviously cannot do that any more. In practice however that just doesn't work. It didn't prevent mast***ation in my case (I've done it almost every day since puberty) and I don't think it could be any more successful in preventing/curing it in your son's case.

Yes, have him circumcised; yes, have it done later; and yes, even consider having it done without an anesthetic if you want , but don't expect it to stop him playing with himself.


========== In Reply To ========== If I had a boy(though I would rather have a girl) I would not have him circumcized until he began to play with himself. I would hope that the pain of being circumcized(definitely without anesthetic) would desuade him from playing with his weiner. T

Posted by jennaxx on 2006-01-18 10:54:28

You are a sick bitch! I hope you never have any children to abuse and damage! And to all the pro-circumcision people who say it's a parents' right to decide to cut off a healthy part of their newborn baby's body, it's not! The same people who made circumsion routine in the States also advocated pouring acid into a baby girl's vagina to kill she sexual feeling! We no longer are at the whims of rabbis, priests, health officials, etc. who believe they care more about our beloved sons that we carried in our wombs for nine months than we do! Mothers and fathers to be, educate yourselves! The babies go through a torturous pain, so much can go wrong (including death). Europe is always more progressive than the States when it comes to individual's rights issues.They no longer declaw, and non religious circumcision is basically a thing of the past (it also helps that their countries weren't founded by a bunch of pyscho Puritans). My two sons are uncircumsised, they are healthy, and no, they do not walk about grabbing themselves all day. Preforming a circumcision to stop $%!@ion is like removing your dog's bladder because you're too lazy to housebreak him.