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Circumcise Your Son?

They didnt circumsize me...then they had too

Posted by teburasu on 2004-06-27 20:55:26

When I was born, my parents decided not to circumsize me, just like my father. I was ok, with this, after all, as far as I knew all boys were un-cut. As you grow older you start ya know wrestling or playing around with other boys and the "whats yours look like?" thing comes up. It wasnt easy being the only one "different" I knew at the time, that they were the different ones. My parents told me that they were the ones who were changed, not me. That doesnt make it any different from my position thogh... Then something happend (dont know what) were my foreskin got attached to my shaft at the head and I could no longer pull it back. This created health issues and cutting the attached skin wouldnt work. So they got me circumsized at age 10. (I had been $%!@eing since before I could $%!@, since about age 9) I could not wait to get it done, to be like all the other kids. I only had to deal with stiches and slight pain for 2 weeks, then they were gone, and believe me, $%!@ing never fealth better. It was kinda cool. Im just happy I dont have to explain it to any GF's, like "why do you have extra skin?". For the sake of "fitting in" and makeing him more confident, do him a favor. Get him cut when hes born, when he wont remember it.

Posted by Charles II on 2006-01-26 00:28:03

I went through almost exactly the same thing. Fortunately, my older brother and cousin had already pioneered this territory and helped me get through it. We all agreed we hated our nasty foreskins and were determined to get rid of them at any cost. We didn't have a clue about circumcision yet, we were only about puberty age, we just knew we couldn't go through life being the freaks in school that we felt we were. Hence, we got our foreskins permanently retracted (harder for me than for them, as mine was loose and floppy, and then there was the extreme hypersensitivity to adjust to). Now, they are about as good as if actually circumcised, and we would never want to go back to being wrapped like that. Later, we learned there were other boys doing the same thing, each feeling all alone and many of us unwittingly fooling each other as well as all the cut boys in the lockerrooms, restroom, showers, swimming holes and camps.

Posted by skirtchaser19 on 2008-01-29 19:44:42

the "fitting in" thing is what I call "Too cowardly to be different"

Posted by Always4Fun13 on 2015-09-22 22:27:19

I totally agree with skirtchaser19. Fitting in with the rest of the world would mean "Not Circumcised". I am VERY Thankful I was left naturally intact the way boys are meant to be and in my mid twenties I thanked my parents for that.