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Xbox or Ps2? The race is on.

Playstation 2, all the way!

Posted by Pronatalist on 2004-04-22 03:30:17

X-box has better graphics?

Well whoop-de-do, if it doesn't run the games I want. PS2 is almost as good in graphics, and has lots better games, around 3 times as many to choose from, including most all the PS1 titles.

Oh, and PS2 plays DVDs right out of the box, even if you don't buy the DVD remote. If X-box couldn't manage that (translation: corporate greed to sell accessories), then the DVD remote should have come with it. In fact, shouldn't most any piece of electronics, be able to "get by" without the remote, until one can get it replaced? Most TVs still are controllable without the remote.

X-box is way too big, the controller is an inferior copy of PS2's, etc.

X-box, is a stripped-down PC-wannabe, just to get MyCrudSoft into the crowded game console market and steal away game titles from PS2.

maddox.xmission.com has a great article trashing the X-box. Go read it!

And about those graphics, graphics isn't everything. I bought as many PS1 games for my PS2, even though I never had a PS1, because many of the old games are fun too, even the ones that look like cartoons.

And of all the PS2 games I played, I still think the first major game I finished, ICO, had by far the most impressive graphics. Gee, I don't think ICO runs on a heavy brick Micro$oft X-box PC wannabe.

Rather than get a MyCrudSoft X-box, why wouldn't I just buy a virus-magnet PC? Oh yeah, no sooner than you buy a few games, they make you upgrade the video card to play them, and you have to go buy some non-standard joystick or controller game pad, and then something Micro$oft doesn't work with something else Micro$oft, and so you go buy an X-box and a few of its cruddy games, and then find you have to pay more to go online with gaming? No thanks!

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