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Girls vs Boys In School

Girls Rule

Posted by hotgirl on 2005-04-06 19:15:43

Males should be banned from education, seeing as all they are are a disturbance. They should only learn that they are the slaves of all females and only used for grunt work.

Posted by modernman on 2005-04-18 22:14:36

good idea hotgirl. The only education boys should receive is to learn how to properly respest and serve women. They should be given lessons in chivalry and househusband duties. They should be taught that an orgasm is a right that they should earn by serving and pleasing women. They should also be taught the consequences of failing to obey a woman, with from punishments ranging from gagging to caning to castration

Posted by 123kid321 on 2005-04-24 03:59:37

my email is abc_def_ghi2@hotmail.com, add me and tell me y i (a guy) should b a girls slave

Posted by blood on 2005-06-27 14:33:30

Hey that'd be cool. But not all guys like that stuff.

Posted by Juicyfruitx8 on 2005-09-20 00:20:53

i think u guys r exaggerating a bit. yeah it'd b nice if that happened but then again its not so attractive to see a guy taking your orders instead of bein himself.For example: think if marques houston was ur slave would he seem as manly as b4? Anyways, u guys r right that girls rock and we are the smarter side but for now the guys think they are so let them get drained out so we can take over! George bush is living proof that sum guys are as dumb as a doorknob.