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men with girly hair

have for years

Posted by robertroberta on 2004-06-17 14:27:46

I am a man in my thirties who has worn his hair long almost my entire life. Since I was 3 and my older sister started styling my hair like a little girl I have had long feminate hair. i wore it long through school, have colored and bleached it, had it permed and styled by beauticians and today have better looking hair than most women. I think men should have just as many choices as women in their clothing and hairstyles and I think most men really do look better with hair. Todays shaved look for men is alright for those who are going bald, but most women prefer a man with hair. whether it be long and womanish or nice male haircut, most women like to run their fingers through his hair. Also there are many women out there who like to play and style their mans hair in unusual ways in the privacy of their own home. i think it should become more acceptable for a man to have long styled hair just like today it is much more acceptable for a man to color his hair, 20 years ago it was not. the haircolor companies new what they were doing when they strated to promote mens haircoloring. It opened up a whole new market. Next i see it becomming long mens hair and they could even sell a lot more haircare products.

Posted by acj on 2005-02-19 11:21:52

In your younger years did your sister continue doing your hair? your mother? did you take over control at some point? when did you first go to a salon? how did you feel about the public pressure?