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The worst country in the world.


Posted by TheRacket on 2007-07-03 20:43:01

Yep, the fattest and literally the least educated nation of the 1st world, although some of those countries aren't considered 1st world, but anyway, yes, myself having travelled much of the U.S. and spending a total of 8 months of my life in that country the social differences between the U.S., Canada and Europe are great, Canada is not all that much better, but it still beats the U.S. no country in teh 1st world has as much crime per capita and ignorance idiocy than the good ol U.S. of A. Dissagree? Do some research or better yet travel all of the East and West Coast and you tell me I'm wrong.

Posted by skunk on 2008-06-03 18:04:45

The US would have to be the most wicked and decadent society on the face of the Earth, it is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire and in fact surpasses it. The hypocrisy of the US is seen by the entire world, it has a false religious and moralistic facade yet turns out most of the world`s filth and porn, it invades soverign nations for their wealth just like the old British Empire and is based on the evil capitalistic system of greed.

Posted by tictactaylor on 2010-02-14 23:26:42

The USA is a GREAT place to live, this is very unfair! Great, if your a thick criminal, great if you are poorly educated and don't mind a Government that reflects it's poorly educated populous. Great if you don't mind the overweight women who sound and act like MEN! Great if you can live with child sex perverts living in family neighborhoods, and great if you think urban gang life is great to bring up a family near!

The place is plain trash, as are most of its inhabitants, total junk (and I too have traveled it end to end). If the USA fell off the edge of the World I feel it would be NO loss!