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UK and any other country that does'nt have the death penalty

Lets look for the logic here

Posted by Tyson...... of Australia!! on 2004-10-12 07:56:16

If murder is wrong (and I strongly believe it is, I hope you agree) then how does it make sense to murder them in response? This seems to me to set up a strong double standard, in effect saying that it is wrong to murder unless you are in the position of power as supported by legislation. Surley murder is wrong absolutely, otherwise who gets do decide when murder is sanctioned and when it is not?

Also what actual good is surved by killing someone? Murder and rape are horrid crimes, how does the killing of people who commit these crimes solve any problem, or increase good? The issue/issues that drove them to their crimes have not been examined, the crimes were not undone and the pain and hurt caused by these crimes was not solved, and in addition ANOTHER person has been killed.

Can anyone explain to me how the problem of rape and/or murder is solved by the death penalty?

One more thing, for the person who designed this poll. You said:

"I am personally apposed to the death penalty, but in saying that I do sometimes think that people that rape and/or murder children and there is absolutely irrafutable evidence that the accused is guilty then they should be given the death penalty."

How is it that you are against the death penalty when you think that someone who is deffinitely guilty should be put to death? After all, that is what the death penalty is, a penalty of death for the guilty.

Posted by Van Man on 2004-10-12 11:03:30

Well its just a thought I when predotary peadofiles have reached such a state of depravaty most of them can never be reformed. In the United Kingdom it cost about £25000 per year to keep the average criminal in prison. These people that have comitted extreme crimes against innocent kids have to be put into specail protected prisons wich increases the costs to around £40000 per year. Most of them can never be reformed and given the oppertunity would commit the same terrible crimes against children. There for I think it would be more appropriate if we just exterminated such people. Parents would be more at ease that there children where safe and it would be far more economical for the tax payer. Yes I am apposed to the death penalty in genral but I think exptions should be made for child murders and child rapists

========== In Reply To ========== If murder is wrong (and I strongly believe it is, I hope you agree) then how does it make sense to murder them in response? This seems to me to set up a strong double standard, in effect saying that it is wrong to murder unless you are in the position of power as supported by legislation. Surley murder is wrong absolutely, otherwise who gets do decide when murder is sanctioned and when it is not?

Also what actual good is surved by killing someone? Murder and rape are horrid crimes, how does the killing of people who commit these crimes solve any problem, or increase good? The issue/issues that drove them to their crimes have not been examined, the crimes were not undone and the pain and hurt caused by these crimes was not solved, and in addition ANOTHER person has been killed.

Can anyone explain to me how the problem of rape and/or murder is solved by the death penalty?

One more thing, for the person who designed this poll. You said:

"I am personally apposed to the death penalty, but in saying that I do sometimes think that people that rape and/or murder children and there is absolutely irrafutable evidence that the accused is guilty then they should be given the death penalty."

How is it that you are against the death penalty when you think that someone who is deffinitely guilty should be put to death? After all, that is what the death penalty is, a penalty of death for the guilty.

Posted by forbia on 2004-12-02 14:40:22

Do some research on the costs (financial) of the death penalty in the states that enforce that form of punishment...it actually costs more to put a person to death than it would to keep them in a cell for 75+ years because (mostly, though not wholly) of the costs of the appeals that court is required by law to provide the condemned with.

Posted by AlanSwtOk on 2005-01-12 21:45:15

Can anyone explain to me how the problem of rape and/or murder is solved by the death penalty?

It solves the problem for society only for that one murderer. I am against the death penalty though, segregate yes. MURDER NO!!!

Posted by AlanSwtOk on 2005-01-12 21:47:08

so we should murder people based on financial cost to the goverment? NO WAY Segregate them yes!! MURDER THEM NO!!! We don't know what actually motivates criminals. They may not be in control of their actions!!!