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More... Fun with Conspiracies

get a clue

Posted by getaclue on 2006-03-06 00:20:47

leftist conspiracy people are the real conspiracy "theorists"

there really are "facts" out there,you should check them out sometime instead of positing partisan "theories"

Posted by shutupplease on 2006-04-16 09:46:01

Let's see...you can take a bill that has all kinds of straight lines all over it in some places and all kinds of swirly, bushy things in other places, and fold it in a completely contrived way, and it generates an image of two tall rectangles? Or with poofy smoke!? There really must be a conspiracy. There's no way a piece of paper with a wide variety of geometric figures on it could be manipulated to produce a relatively simple, easily recognizable image. Plus, I totally believe that the government hides its secret plans in money.
