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Posted by Waffles on 2004-10-23 15:33:59

Thats the way to go, man! Xbox DOES suck! Oh yeah, don't listen to AlmMadboy12, he doesn't know what hes talking about! Keep up the great work!

Posted by Wyatt Louckss on 2005-02-17 00:38:56

You know what! You suck! and so does your mom, bitch!

Posted by Just_Another_Guy on 2005-08-10 00:44:13

You have bought shame on the world, no, the universe by liking Xbox The frigg.in thing is as big as your a.ss and the memory system is so s.hit it cannot store what is in your brain (partly because you don't have one). The Xbox is so bad it's not funny, GO GAMECUBE, GO THE CREATOR OF THIS POLL and GO WAFFLES!!!

Posted by Waffles on 2006-05-14 23:34:22

Hmm... I can see that "Wyatt Louckes" or whatever the $%!@er's name was doesn't like me. Oh well, it's not like that bastard matters. Oh, and Just_Another_Guy, thank you! I'm glad I can find someone who agrees with me!

Posted by xbox is a cheap rip off on 2006-07-01 16:04:14


ive bin asking everyone i no 1 thing y the xbox 360 is better then the ps3,i would like to no 1 thing y its better and i dont want to here about the xbox live or grafix are better crap!!!!!