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Falling asleep while dressed up

My expirience...

Posted by Toshiro on 2004-10-20 21:26:56

I go to a private school and it was the Friday before school vacation. My parents had left for a vacation early that morning. I went to school in my uniform. Wwhite tucked dress shirt, leathre belt, tie, socks, white briefs, dress shoes, dress pants and blazer. (Yes that is everything included in my uniform, abit $%!@ arn't they?) I came home that friday and my older brother told me it was torture week. I had had torture days. but now was a perfect time for him to torture me for a week. He did numerous things including wedgies, slave work, being bound for 24 hours+ and the whole time I had to wear my uniform except for the last day when he made me go all day in nothing, but cartoon briefs. I went through a ten pack of cartoon briefs the whole day. He bought them just for my torture week. He wedgied me and made me pee myself all day. So, I was in my uniform 8 out of the 9 days I was on school vaca. So, no clothes, underwear changes or showers. It sucked and I swear I will get him back...

Posted by welldressedguy on 2004-11-18 13:26:20

Are you making this up? What you're describing is abuse. Forcing someone to wet themselves and refusing to allow them to change is a form of torture. I acknowledge you said it was a "torture" week, but one assumes that a person is not being serious when he or she uses that phrase when talking about family. Not allowing someone to change their wet underwear means they could contract an infection. Also, being bound for more than 24 hours is detaining someone against their will and is a crime. I wouldn't wait to get revenge. This is too serious for that. If what you said is true (and I have my doubts but I'll give you the benefit of them) you should inform your parents immediately to have it sorted out. Brotherly teasing is one thing but what you underwent is abuse and should not be tolerated.

Posted by pennysue on 2005-01-10 19:44:00

my husband

My husband was just about 10 when he was home all alone one evening, he went into his sisters room and got dressed in one of her dresses and complete outfits with panties, bra, slip and his mothers wig. he was playing in her room because he was not expecting anyone home until late that evning, well he fell alseep all dreesed up as a girl and his mother and sister came in and found him and took pictures of him before waking him up. His mother made him sleep in a pair of his sisters pajamas and panties that night and took his picture in them too. he was terrified and frightened by really loved it but was ashamed of being caught. Since we have been married i have completely feminized him and he now dresses as a women all of the time. We love it and he and I have also feminized our sons who dress as girls all of the time.

Posted by deepdarkdesire on 2005-12-05 02:59:06

You mean you're turning them into little queer faggots who eat vegetarian, don't watch sports on T.V. and put flowers in their hair and dance around like a fairy? How could you do that when you should be teaching your sons how to go into the woods to kill something to bring home for dinner so they can be men?

Posted by Sub 0000001 on 2010-10-07 17:22:56

What type of red necked stupid prat are you. Where do you live, Alabama, you racist stereotyping $%!@, but no you stupid $%!@ faced american redneck Who can't even point to germany on a map and then be racist $%!@s.

$%!@ off.

Do have children, cous if you do then i hope they turn a gun on you.

and i will put my money on you being the kind of person who has had is kids taken from him beats his wife and doesn't give $%!@ing $%!@ stain about anyone other then himself.

So if you want to be a stereotyping $%!@ head and be prejudiced about what people do and how they think then $%!@ off.